Suggest games for me (but I actually know what I want!)
4 years ago
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I want a third-person action game with three-dimensional movement, WR between 20-100 minutes. Something in line with past games I've run like inFAMOUS First Light, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and Mulaka. Any ideas?

Eligible platforms: PC, PS2, PS3 (and I suppose PS1 via BC), PS4, Xbox 360, WiiU, Switch

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Jönköping, Sweden

Metal Gear series, maybe Tomb Raider?

EmeraldAly likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I've still yet to even play the Metal Gear series casually :\ Tomb Raider I've strongly considered, and yeah, it ticks a lot of these boxes.


Oh boy a perfect opportunity to plug my favourite speedgame!

Batman Arkham City is pretty cool and fits your criteria here, would definitely recommend checking out the run and seeing if it looks interesting to you. The other Arkham games are also pretty solid speedgames in their own ways but IMO City is the best.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
xenkaroshi and EmeraldAly like this
Jönköping, Sweden

I also don't know if its for you, but you have and for PS2. could also be another project for you.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
EmeraldAly likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I thought the Castlevania games were all side-scrollers! Well #TIL

Those Japanese games look Pog as well. I actually just bought a Japanese PS2.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I suggest Parasite Eve 2. One of my all time favorite third person shooters with a survival horror vibe.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Vyperwulf and EmeraldAly like this
Kentucky, USA

MDK 1 and MDK 2 -I think some ports have subtitles like MDK 2 : Armageddon, but it shouldn't be too hard to find both of them.

EmeraldAly likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

What is "MDK" ?

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Oh is "MDK" literally the name of the game? Thought you were abbreviating it. I'll have to have a look, never heard of it.

Kentucky, USA

One of the manuals claims it's for Murder Death Kill (after the famous movie quote) but the game's themselves are just called MDK

They are mostly 3rd person shooter with a ton of arcade-like gameplay.(fast paced, strafe heavy stuff) The 1st game is pretty interesting in that you get a retractable parachute (combine with stage design that includes air updrafts and things) as well as an interesting sniper gimmick that CAN be used in normal gameplay as well as for the sniper puzzles- The 2nd Game has three charathers (dividing up its 12* stages) The stages designed for the original parachute sniper guy are the longest and most fleshed out though. The other charathers are basically to divide the puzzle sections from the acton sections instead of mixing them as previous.

Their is some division among fanbase about which is the better game (they're done by different developers) MDK 1 has more "surreal" levels and "quicky" humor, while MDK 2 has more setpiecy levels and "characther driven humor" and arguably the 3 playable charather gimmick.

Speedruns of both have a mix of damage tanking and Clipping out of bounds. For me personally they're easily my favorite 3rd person shooters of any kind, although If I'm in a good mood I sometimes talk positively about Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, although that's more of a flawed gem that is carried more by it's humor than it's gameplay (the limb destruction and poession mechanics are so-so interesting)

Edited by the author 4 years ago