Welcome to the new Speedrun - Feedback Thread
10 months ago
United Kingdom

History tab on boards now has a weird "+0" next to everyone's names that wasn't there yesterday.

Would also say if you're going to give moderators for games the power to partially control resource and guide addition, just flat out allow a choice so that guides/resources have to be verified by mods before they added on top of what's there.

As whilst the option is much appreciated, in some cases it's also not the most foolproof option to prevent poor resource or guide submission. Like if someone submits a single 20 second IL to a game.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
grnts, Daravae and 2 others like this
California, USA

History tab on boards now has a weird "+0" next to everyone's names that wasn't there yesterday.

This almost definitely a result of the fact that they quickly added in multi-runner support on profiles without testing it lol

CyanWes and grnts like this
California, USA

I've been writing most of my feedback by spamming support tickets because the forums were broken for me at launch, but I see they've been fixed so summarizing here:

  • I originally thought this redesign was made with mobile in mind (everything is way too large to have possibly been designed as a desktop site), so to test my theory I went on my phone and the site barely works there. Load times are terrible, text regularly trails offscreen, columns are out of order and take up full rows when I have to assume that's not intended, notifications are hidden, etc.
  • Everyone has already mentioned this in this thread but not every game fits in a neat 9:16 box.
  • This has also been mentioned but there's zero reason to scrap Recent Runs. There's literally a hole where it used to be in the sidebar.
  • I've been told that other people have had this for a while but I'm now getting "recommended categories" on my homepage which is wild and absolutely not something anyone asked for.
  • The dropdown arrow for miscellaneous categories was retained from the previous redesign. I complained about it then, so I'll complain about it again now: I've seen so many people that had no idea this was hiding categories. New users do not get what this is for, and categories that deserve eyes are being functionally hidden from people as a result.
  • This is relatively minor but the fact that a lot of the new elements are just locked on black and red is pretty annoying, previously the game themes were really solid with how much you could customize and now that's much more limited because you have to match the forced elements.

Sidenote, not really a complaint because I know the site needs to make money but it's funny how every redesign makes the boost button bigger and more saturated. Expecting it to start flashing on the next redesign.

EDIT because I forgot two:

  • The Games dropdown at the top of the site is no longer sortable. Before, you could customize the game order, and this is no longer the case, which makes no sense particularly because only I can see it so I should be able to choose how it looks for me.
  • There's no way to see run count by game on a series page anymore, as far as I can tell. Before, when you sorted the games of a series by total players, it would actually say the total player count under each game. Now, no matter how you sort, it just says the active player count. This also means that you can't see release dates, or when games were added to srcom, or even the full names of games with long titles.
Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes, grnts, and CyrilTheOwl like this

Just wanted to say Thanks for finally fixing the WR/statistics history =)

Oxknifer, CyanWes and 2 others like this

The dropdown arrow for miscellaneous categories was retained from the previous redesign. I complained about it then, so I'll complain about it again now: I've seen so many people that had no idea this was hiding categories. New users do not get what this is for, and categories that deserve eyes are being functionally hidden from people as a result.

This would be a great thing to fix.

Sidenote, not really a complaint because I know the site needs to make money but it's funny how every redesign makes the boost button bigger and more saturated. Expecting it to start flashing on the next redesign.

I don't really think a lot of users even care about boosting leaderboards and all. To me, the perk in the Supporter plan that stands out the most for me is the ability to opt-in Beta features. But sadly, there seems to be little to no possibility from Elo to opt-in to new features like these. Which is a shame because it's simply beneficial to everyone. Even largely to them and possibly even the biggest reason why someone would choose to get supporter.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
Grapevine, grnts, and CyanWes like this
Aquitaine, France

Hello, I don't know if anyone already mentionned this but the date selection box in the support ticket page is completely broken for me. When I choose a date and click on it it gives me the day before that, then when I click anywhere else it goes back from one more day, and if I try to type the date manually it glitches when typing the year (typing 2023 gives 0003)

grnts and CyanWes like this

Where has gone the toggle that allow to hide the non-official release of a game series on the series page?


ArcadeRiot91, Grapevine and 3 others like this
United Kingdom

This has also been mentioned but there's zero reason to scrap Recent Runs. There's literally a hole where it used to be in the sidebar.

Regarding this specifically, I don't get why they'd remove recent runs yet keep recent threads on there. It's already been known for a while that the community discords take up the bulk of discussion and that threads were only used for official statements (now obsoleted by news, essentially) and people posting there before knowing of the discords.

In a priority battle of recent runs vs recent threads on the sidebar, I can't see any vote landing on recent threads being viewed as more integral there. Which makes me think it was removed for a specific reason.

And yeah, like @Daravae said, Boost is still a worthless feature. It's only function is removing ads, and since adblock exists and renders it pointless it only means that at some point Elo are going to try to bypass adblocks, which is particularly troubling because their ads are easily some of the worst I've ever seen.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
diggity, Grapevine and 3 others like this
South Carolina, USA

There's in issue in my Moderation Hub

grnts and CyanWes like this

my opinion on the new update: it sucks

CyanWes and grnts like this
Texas, USA

I really like this text editor. Also super happy with the speed of the site in general using TypeScript (Goodbye PHP!)

Trying to drag and drop an image (which was one of my suggestions, thanks for implementing it!) is not working exactly. I get this on Chrome:

Uploading Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 4.14.56 PM.png...

Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes likes this
Somerset, England

?rules=game/category URLs now no longer work on leaderboards. For example, https://www.speedrun.com/granny?rules=game and https://www.speedrun.com/granny?rules=category

Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes likes this
Somerset, England
  • We are now unable to withdraw Support tickets
  • We should be able to remove an archived variable value from appearing in a game's Filters
  • Guides with a Deleted author are unable to be edited, without adding back in that author, but I want the author to still say Deleted. (example)
Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes and Grapevine like this

Minor thing I haven't seen mentioned yet—game forums with no posts in them show up with the new post indicator next to them in the general forums. Also, a thread that's been deleted shows up with the new post indicator. (The post by Qoy_Zero doesn't exist now in Deepest Sword forums, so I can't view it there. Though it is still showing up on Qoy's profile...)

CyanWes likes this

Resources now show the user who posted/uploaded the resource to the site as the single author. Resources I have previously uploaded on behalf of others now has me as the author, even though I had set someone else as the author. Resources that previously had several authors now only show the uploader. No release date results in 'never', as it currently does in many other places.

CyanWes and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
He/Him, They/Them
10 months ago

I was filtering the games list on Wii games only, sorting by active players. When I went t page 15 it reverted the filter so it showed all games again. That makes it impossible to browse games for a specific platform effectively.

CyanWes likes this
United States

Hi all,

Thanks for the reports, I promise we're reading it all, and are addressing issues based on priority.

Here's another list of recent changes (most of these deployed in the last 24 hours):

  • Forums: add permalink icon to thread comments
  • Forums: hide unread indicator for forums with no threads
  • Forums: fix pagination links in thread list
  • Forums: properly detect mentions to all valid usernames
  • Games: add option for run comments to be for moderators only
  • Games: add recent runs box
  • Games: allow changing permissions for guides and resources (now defaults to "allow all")
  • Games: allow pan and zoom on WR chart on stats page
  • Games: don't show level stats if there are no level runs
  • Games: fix timer bug with WR chart on stats page
  • Games: improve variable settings related to category and level scope
  • Games: make misc button on leaderboards stand out a bit more
  • General: fix content type of uploaded images
  • General: improve site moderation functions
  • General: performance improvements
  • General: properly redirect old paths to reasonable places
  • Home: improve latest runs view
  • Notifications: fix redirect paths of some notifications
  • Notifications: add notifications for comment and forum mentions
  • Notifications: improve performance of notifications
  • Notifications: fix uncommon duplicate notifications bug
  • Runs: fix broken Bilibili video embeds
  • Runs: fix rounding of milliseconds in run submission form
  • Runs: support mentions in run comment text
  • Tickets: improve labeling consistency
  • Users: add about tab
  • Users: add multiplayer details to runs view
  • Users: fix username component sometimes showing extra suffix
  • Users: improve runs view
  • Users: improve threads and comments tabs
  • Users: improve display of grouped usernames

Thanks again for your patience as we work through the backlog!

To set expectations, things will slow down a bit over the next few days due to it being the weekend.

KaweedFul, Ivory and 7 others like this

When a wr holder improves their pb, the 2nd place runner may receive a notification that their "wr" was beaten. Possibly this happened because the runner pbed twice in the same day?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this