Video deleted
5 years ago

Oh, my bad, I already rejected them :(

I'll re-verify them. I'm so sorry, i'll promise it won't happen again


Btw, Vakala mentioned in the discord that this run might be cheated:

What we know for sure is that he doesn't show his trophies at any point of the video so we can't be sure what category he is running

Edited by the author 5 years ago

This was what Vakala posted in the discord, credits to him:

Someone see the "new" wr Kill% made by Inugami0 ? I m really suspicious 🤔 One thing is sure, he had more than 6000 tr when he made his run as we can see at the begening of an other video: Except this 2 videos, his youtube channel only have bs video record directly from his phone with SUPER Recoder On this 2nd vid we can clearly see he remove some frames This is 4 followed frames And on his video proof i think he also cut frame but clever I suspect 1/2 be cause jesse move really fast I made a test with jesse on the same map at the same start Use , to see frame before and . to see frame after Be carefull to compare with the same fps, mine have 60 by default I will try to make a video to compare his proof and my video tomorrow

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Hello everyone,

It's been a while and we thank you for your patience. As of now, there are 266 unverified runs and it is currently not possible for the team to get through them. As for me, I am busy for the next two weeks due to exams. But as soon as they finish, I will go through each and every ru

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