Opening Game Console
1 year ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

So I decided to debug the game as I remembered it runs on UE2. You can open the original UE2 console by doing these steps

Within the game's files go to System/Default.ini and open the file. Scroll down until you see "Paths=C:\Users\pcname" Follow the path (ignore the *.usa), go outside of the Save folder so you see game.ini and User.ini, and open the User.ini folder.

Bind any of the buttons to showlog, Additionally, this is where you can bind a controller to work with the game. Save and close the file.

Open the game and spam press the key you binded to showlog. A very powerful command you can use is the open command which lets you open any of the map files. (Go to your maps folder to view the names as they're pretty straightforward to know which is which.)

Make sure you're game is not fullscreen

Additionally, do not edit the file in game/system as you'll kill your game from launching.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
HotCoffee, TurduckenMan, and Qurin like this

Oh this is excellent, way faster to go practice in specific areas now, thanks a lot!

In that user.ini file, you can also bind "Ghost" to something (I did F1) to turn on a noclip/flying mode that lets you zip around through the levels. You'll also have to bind "Walk" to something to turn it off (Ghost isn't a toggle).

Stockholm, Sweden

This game has potential

Stockholm, Sweden

That is not the real console. Thats just the log and there are not alot of commands that can be executed through the log. I have no clue how to open the real console but there is a russian guy on youtube who opens it all the time and dosnt tell me how he does it.


You can bind this for proper debug mode! learned from shrek 2

set LSGame.Version bDebugEnabled true

this allows the game's built in ghost mode toggles on delete and home keys to work, it allows the character switcher already on C to work, you can use ~ to open the console (no logging?), you can use F4 to open the level/gamestate chooser, you can use F12 for a complex debug menu, which lets you show wireframes for some invisible walls, entity collision, didn't see cutscene triggers sadly.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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