Fan made tracks addition to the track list.
4 months ago

Question is in the title.

Should we start adding some of the "best" fanmade tracks to our tracks list ?

By the past Qball was adding anything new that was released. Some old competitive ghosts exists from tracks like Slimepit, Forest, Escape, Antipod, etc...

Thoughts ?


I'm all for adding the fanmade maps, I'd say we should omit the reskins though :

Arcane is Beltane, Colony is Veitland, Discover is Bank, Heaven is Pipeline, Hive is Cocoon, Parc is Slimepit, Tron is Forest, Vger is Canyon and Zion is Downtown.

I don't know what to think of Forgetit and Newsance, I tried to recon Newsance but it crashed my game.

Podrob likes this

You forgot Down is also Parc / Slimepit. I don't know which came first. I enjoy Parc the most as it is Crap in reverse.

Newsance should not crash in Platinum, especially if you haven't played another track before.

Edited by the author 1 month ago
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