From twitch to hitbox
10 years ago
Hesse, Germany

Guys can you post your hitbox links here pls :) havent the time for searching alot of gta runners


well, let's get on it

finally got rid of that annoying 85 I have on my Twatch ( Kappa ) account

Unless Twitch does something really stupid, this will be my secondary stream. Still wanna make use of it on a regular basis, though.

Just so everybody knows, there's a hitbox field in your profile now. I'll be making the Streams page detect hitbox's live streams as soon as they improve their API.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 3 others like this
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Probably only gonna stream "gimmick" categories on hitbox


Hm I don't know... I'll see if I join hitbox but right now I still like twitch much more..^^ Hitbox won't be the solution forever if it's because of the copyright thingy going on on twitch..


Not sure if I'm gonna use it yet


Joining the hype I guess.. ^^


Really enjoying Hitbox, even had staff pop by to ask how my experience was. Probably as a result of the 150 viewers I got sent thanks to Adam!

Only downside is stream drops a lot. Don't think it's my internet, need to try another Hitbox server. It's probably when I start dropping frames it just drops the whole stream immediately, so I get these really short breaks (and viewers seem to need to refresh to get it back). Oh well! Will have good internet again in October.


@Bollard had a similar problem.. my Stream didn't even want to start until I chose an other server to stream to, didn't even know this was possible^^ Found one which was working for me and since then it works perfekt :)