[ADDED] Add 'desktop' to platforms
3 years ago

Right now the only option is web but a lot of people use the desktop client


nice. can you also change the platform on my run from web to desktop now that it is an option?

@kwien37 I think I cannot as some of the runs are just replays. I do not know if they use desktop of web version of tetr.io by only using replaying


Fair enough, but currently, all runs, even the runs that are just replays are listed as 'web' runs. By your logic, it wouldn't make sense to list those runs as web runs, as there is no way to confirm know if they were done on web or on desktop. Maybe you could change the platform on those to something like 'unknown'?

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I only can change platform to the one which exists on the site


I didn't know that, but my point still stands. Not changing the platform of my run from web to pc because you can't verify if I used the desktop or the web version makes no sense, because by that logic my run shouldn't be listed as a web run either.

I think you can edit yr platform by yourself then let me verify. Now I do not even know which run is desktop/web, so the platform need to be edited by the runners themselves


Oh I thought you had to change it for me lol. I just edited it

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