New Category Proposal
3 years ago
California, USA

The highest score you could get in wall mode is theoretically 166, so maybe add a 166 score category, whether it applies to just wall mode or every gamemode. Currently, doesn't present a motive to complete wall mode, which may not have even been done before. If it turns out that Completing wall mode is nearly impossible due to chance rather than skill, perhaps you could add a category for highest score just for wall mode and potentially delete it if someone gets a score of 166. Just an idea...

Yarmiplay, M4xD, and KilleDragon like this
Skåne, Sweden

but if they would add a highest score speedrun. then whats the speedrun? and i dont think 166 will ever be achived

KilleDragon likes this

I had this idea but postponed mentioning it until after I get classic 50, since I'm just focusing on that category right now. Totally agree on most points. I'd like to know how did you reach the number of 166, although it's besides the point. I agree that doesn't present a motive to complete wall mode, it did present a motive to get to 100 apples which I'm the only one (as far I know) to ever have done so.

In general, I think we should ask the developer to give wall mode a clear ending goal with a "game completed" score (what should that score be would be up to him. I think it should be 126 which is half of 252, or maybe 150 which is a nice round number and sufficiently high, since 252 isn't possible and it's the only score to get you to the end screen without dying, wall mode has no actual ending at least as far as we know.

Maybe he'll consider making wall mode be viable for a "perfect" end game score, but that may introduce major changes to the game mode and I don't think that's desirable. I don't want to reset the leaderboards (might be biased on this one, but yeah.) That being said, creating a category for an "unknown if possible" kind of thing is something I'd rather avoid too, I don't want to "complete" wall mode just to die at the end.

Sorry about the rant, we basically agree here.

TL;DR: any new category for highest wall mode score should be official in the game itself - in my opinion.

KilleDragon, totol, and M4xD like this

Update: My assumption was incorrect, turns out finishing wall mode is possible "in theory", without dying at the end. According to CLTincknell: "if every space is occupied by snake or a wall, you'll win and it'll play the little jingle" And "You'd have to be able to form a Hamiltonian circuit through the board which I don't think would be possible under most board generations, maybe none of them"

So here's my new proposal: if anyone ever completes that run, we'll add a category of it to the leaderboards

How does that sound?

I think we should avoid having a category that it's not even known if it's possible to complete. But when we do know, if someone ever gets it, "252" will change into "Hamiltonian circuit" (expect for peaceful where it's just 252).

KilleDragon and totol like this
Basque Country

Good idea, if not it seems like you can choise if take 252 or 166 lol imo

Hawaii, USA

only problem is that it takes unrealistic luck to get such a thing

Yarmiplay and totol like this
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9 months ago
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