Game Request Vanished
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Hello. I requested a new game as a part of the Doraemon series earlier today. I checked back in, and I have no notifications stating that the request was rejected or approved, but the request has vanished from my "Pending Actions".

Did I do something incorrectly in my request form? If this is a very obvious question, my apologies. Thanks.


Hey there! I'm not a mod or anything of the sort and I have no idea what might have happened to your game request, so hopefully someone else can help with that.

That being said, the reason you didn't get any notification about it might be due to an issue a lot of people have been reporting on this thread:

Basically, notifications seem to have been working incorrectly for a lot of people in the last few days (and in general just not working at all). Here's hoping it gets fixed soon!

Kentucky, USA

Super helpful actually thanks! If the game was rejected, I simply want to know why so I can fix my request form. I would imagine that my lack of notifications one way or the other is because of what you pointed out.


Search the game in the games list, or in the series page. If it's there, the game was accepted. If it's not there, the game was probably rejected, but you can only know the reason after you get the notification for it, which might take some time so you'll have to be patient.

Gaming_64 likes this
Western Australia, Australia

Yeah you'd have to search the game to see if it got accepted. The site has just had a glitch where notifications weren't coming through for a few days (which looks like it has just been fixed today) so it's likely that it's been looked but the notification wasn't sent.