New categories for Normal% / Hard%
7 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

I went to check out the rules for any% and was confused to see it specifically call out normal difficulty. I think that Easy is siginificantly faster, so I am wondering what the reason is for limiting any% to a specific difficulty.


Not 100% sure to be honest, we just followed the rule lol! Much in the same way that I wouldn't mind if we changed up Colossal Titan% just because doing that from a fresh save was....Well to put it bluntly, hell. Although that was likely me just doing a run and submitting it as no one else had.

Welcome to running the game by the way! If you have any questions about it feel free to hit me up. The Titan quick kill stuff were found by General Beatrix, but me and PX have been refining it for a while. We stopped running for a period whilst busy with life/other stuff, but i'll be coming back to it soon.

Wisconsin, USA

I have been practicing the quick kill, it is pretty slick! Also I didn't know that you can grab annie after she gets up. I will hopefully get a decent run at some point.


Yeah I didn't either! That grab was found by PX, it's a nice time save. There's a ridiculously weird glitch where I managed to make her stand up immediately when she goes down. It's happend twice and do not ask me how to do it because I really do not know! My only thought is that all her body parts (arms and napes) were destroyed when or as I knocked her down. Those seem to be the only two similarities. But I can't replicate it so...If you ever find out how you'll forever have my thanks!!

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