Race time records rule: reversing
10 months ago

I would suggest the following rule for race times:

No reverse before crossing start line.

Reversing before crossing the line gives the driver a big advantage for 1st lap time and thus for race time, because the timer starts when crossing start line.


I've been thinking about the same exact thing for a while now. Short answer: I agree.

Slightly off-topic: btw I also think "holes" (and/or kinda partially glitching through walls) shouldn't be allowed either. I should've spoken about this sooner of course.

Here's a way too rambly wall of text:

I think these are great examples of abusing bugs/glitches in the game, and it's entirely a matter of opinion whether using glitches should be allowed or not, or what even is a glitch. Reasonable people can disagree. One could of course argue that all that matters is how fast you are, and you'd be allowed to do anything it takes to be faster.

I personally happen to think that the "spirit" of the game is that you're supposed to drive "cleanly", whatever that means. And my interpretation has been that means no reversing.

And no holes allowed.

...and here's why I don't like holes: I think I once saw a computer opponent (I think Bad Guy) glitching through the "stepping stones" portion of the Stepping Stones track way faster than would normally be possible. My theory is that this could be an example of glitching through walls (and getting a "hole"), and driving much faster than you "should" normally be able to do. There are probably lots of other tracks too where this kind of partially-through-the-wall-glitching could potentially be faster than driving "normally".

I kind of (half-jokingly) think there could be two categories for each high score:

  • "glitches allowed, anything goes" and

  • "no glitches allowed" (clean driving according to the "spirit" of the game, so for example no reversing and no holes)". I personally happen to like no-glitches-allowed much more.

What does everyone else think?

The original question: No reversing before starting line allowed, agree or disagree?

And my question: No holes allowed, agree or disagree?

(edit) PS. I'm definitely not advocating for separate categories for glitches and no-glitches. I'd like using glitches to be forbidden altogether.

Edited by the author 10 months ago

As far as I know, Little Ramp and Stepping Stones are the only tracks where you get a boost from driving to wall. On both tracks, this reduces air time and makes the segment faster.

In Little Ramp, you need to get a small nudge to slow down just enough to get a better landing after the final jump - getting a hole there means you lost time.

In Stepping Stones, the stepping stone part requires a bit bigger wall touch to be quick. I'm not entirely sure getting a hole is the quickest way though, would need to experiment a bit.

If Stepping Stones can be driven as quickly without taking a hole, then the question is trivial: holes will not make you faster.

But even if it is quicker to go through a wall / get a hole, I'm still leaning towards allowing Stepping Stones track records to be set when taking a hole. It does allow for more risky ways to attack the stepping stones part, and driver is punished for slightest failure trying to do that.

On the other tracks, no wall hits will help getting a quick lap. So getting a hole to be quick is exclusive to Stepping Stones, if even that.

I'd allow record times set when taking a hole.


I also agree with not allowing reversing before start line, it would just end up in a competition on who can reverse and then reach the highest speed before the first lap starts and it wouldn't add any entertainment value either.

When it comes to abusing holes, I might be alittle bit torn. But... it can add to the entertainment value of speedrunning and using glitches is more often a part of speedrunning than not. It's a part of the game physics and the driving rules of the SCR universe. If someone would actually be able to make use of slamming into the holes and get a better time without wrecking on the 1 or 2 tracks where it might even be possible, I don't mind it being allowed, so I guess I'm with Hoops on that.

@rxhfcy feel free to add the no reverse rule since we all agree on it.


OK done. I added the following rule: "Reversing before crossing the starting line is not allowed."

PS. I also took the opportunity to tweak the following pretty trivial thing (I'll of course change it back if you disagree):

  • Made "Super League" ALL CAPS in the level names, for example: "SUPER LEAGUE: The Little Ramp (Best Lap)". It's easier to notice the difference between normal and super league versions of the tracks now.

PS2. I also wanted to change the name of the "Amiga" category into "Amiga 500" but then I noticed not all of the runs were made with an Amiga 500. I'll start a new thread about this.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
GentooSchnitz likes this

After driving Stepping Stones a bit, I have a feeling the quickest way through the stepping stone part is getting a small hit from the 2nd wall but avoiding the hole, much like in Little Ramp.

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