Platform Requests / Tagging games to be part of a series / Adjusting game type or game title
5 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

Rename to "Cotton 2:Magical Night Dreams (Arcade)"

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello. I am a series mod for the Banjo series game and a moderator for the Multiple Rareware Games leaderboard. Recently we have decided to merge the BKBT leaderboard ( ) into the MRG leaderboard ( I would like to request for the BKBT leaderboards to be deleted and for the Multiple Rareware Games leaderboard to be added as a multi game to the Banjo series. Thank you

starsmiley likes this
Lazio, Italy

Hi, I submitted a game recently, the name is "Dentures and Demons 2" but it has been registered as "Dentures and Demon 2", can you change it? The official site of the game developer is if you want to check Game:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Minnesota, USA

Hello, can this be tagged as a rom hack of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie: ty!

starsmiley likes this
New Jersey, USA

@FrostyNP There is no unofficial release tag.

New Jersey, USA

@FrostyNP Yes, that doesn't exist. Webgames are automatically filtered as unofficial, but there is no "unofficial" tag.

Massachusetts, USA

Could be added as the category extensions of please? Just needs to be checked as such & added to the main board as a link. Also, would it be possible to remove Sub-Games from both boards?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
starsmiley likes this
New South Wales, Australia

Hey, i have an inquiry. A few members of the MCBE Speedrun - community have created an Unofficial Category Extensions board with a bunch of small memey categories ( ). They have asked if it would be possible to create a MCBE Category Extensions+ linked to MCBE and merge those existing runs and categories onto SRC with them as moderators / verifiers. With recent leaderboard changes and our pending queue being above 400 for a while until now, it wouldn't be too smart for us to add over 10 new categories to our existing CE board, even if we did add more moderators. Thanks!

Fossie, MiiSports and 21 others like this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago
DarQ likes this
North Carolina, USA

Could we have the Left 4 Mario and Tour of Terror games removed from the Left 4 Dead series? They are very old leaderboards for custom campaigns within the game that have since been moved into the category extensions section. Left 4 Mario - Tour of Terror -

DarQ likes this

Category Extensions Request - Clash of Clans

We have formed an all-new Moderation team, and over the last 6 months have rebuilt a neglected and highly inactive game to become a small but strong and growing community with daily run submissions, an active Discord and daily Tweets. We have removed obsolete runs and created several new categories including Town Hall Any% and Finish Battles which are very popular and regularly attract new site registrations.

We are receiving player requests for newer parts of the game which were added since the original sr.c game request. which are the Single Player Practice, and SuperTroop Playground levels, both with multiple variables. We feel that these would be more correctly categorized and accessible on a Category Extension Board.

We already have a complete 75 run Level Leaderboard which we do not want to extend or make confusing.

We also have two full game categories, Goblin Pentathlon and Goblin Decathlon, which would really be more suited to be in Category Extensions.

NB We have a significant proportion of very young players, and need to keep it all as simple as possible. We have tried using the Misc. tab in the past but the users found it difficult to locate the runs.

Happy to discuss by PM or on our discord if you need more info. Thanks. @whiggy69

DarQ and Shac0le like this
United States

Hello, can I get Super Metroid GBA Edition added as a ROM Hack of Metroid: Zero Mission. I asked a few weeks ago and my post was liked but it doesn't look like it was updated, so I'm just asking a 2nd time just to make sure it wasn't overlooked or anything and lost in the process of being added.


New Game: ROM Hack of this game:

DarQ likes this
California, USA

Heyo can Bomber Friends be tagged as a fangame? tyty

WhatsFrog and DarQ like this
New Brunswick, Canada

@ElTreago Can you DM me on site about this? I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. @WhatsFrog Done @Kai. Done @TheMaster DM'd on site @Garsh Done @whiggy69 please submit a CE request through the game request page @HiPeRDustY please submit a CE request through the game request page. And marked as Mobile @noxiousnick fixed @Livelyraccoon Done

WhatsFrog likes this
Russia please mark as modification for mark as modification (if possible don't attach to game), otherwise attach to doom2

Though I don't moderate BD - I do moderate game series and want it gone from main series.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
DarQ likes this
West Yorkshire, England

I moderate the Openbound games, and have decided to migrate all runs from the Part 2 and 3 pages onto the Part 1 page for tidier categorizing - can the title of Openbound Part 1 be changed to just "Openbound" please? Thank you. Once this is done, I will delete the Part 2 and 3 pages. Also could it be tagged as a webgame please? Thanks again!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Category Extensions Request:

Hi I'd like to request to add a CE Board for the following Roblox game; Juke's Tower of Hell

Well, some categories we get suggested may not fit on the main leaderboard,

i.e, GBJ%, Death%, and ETC.

-Lor (Super Mod for JToH)

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Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Hey, I'm moderator for theHunter Classic.

This game series needs some updates. Indeed, the old page should be deleted :

The game series named theHunter has 2 games:

  • theHunter Classic Steam
  • theHunter: Call of the Wild Steam

At the moment, theHunter: COTW don't have a page on SRC. If it's necessary to create the game series, I can be moderator but I want to finish to design theHunter Classic runs first.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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