New Category for SURPG
5 months ago

just a thought but I was thinking a pvp abilities on category could be good, You would start with no emeralds and have pvp on before you start the run. You can be sure you collected the emeralds if you hit the trigger that displays the message preventing you from picking up the emeralds. The run would end just as the All Emeralds%, collecting the 7th and last emerald. Adding this as a category could add some needed variety to this games speedruns hopefully attracting more people to run the game.

Edited by the author 5 months ago
Alaska, USA

PVP is "Player vs Player" so what's the advantage on that?


the PVP abilites can also be used as mobility and has the possibility to completely change the run, the discoveries Tonkatsu and myself have found with pvp have been crazy.

Alaska, USA

Is it possible that a video of it can be shown? Would love to see it in action, and maybe others too.


Here's Tonkatsu's Sonic Ultimate RPG: Assailants Jump a Victim video, you can see some of the tricks we did while using the PVP abilities.


@ViviBloom What do you think?


@ViviBloom I think this might be a good opportunity to give speed runners something else to do, i'd consider adding this.




I'm glad everyone agrees with me, but ViviBloom has yet to see it. I hope this does end up getting added as a new category for us to enjoy.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

I have added PVP enabled as a subcategory and manually assigned all presently existing runs to the PVP disabled subcategory. Please feel free to submit to either subcategory moving forward.