8 months ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Why moderator ignore my run ?


have patience

Kent, England

hi! happy christmas! I got to your run, and you fricking used food and water in the zero items run you numpty nooooooo. in real life, a constant supply of food and water would be a good idea, but in a zero items run, it is not so. So unfortunately I had to reject your run, but good luck for redoing it!

Meanwhile, advance apologies, I've been kinda busy these holidays and am also going away for the next four days, but hopefully before the end of this year I shall get round to everyone's runs (that's not as bad as it sounds I swear it's only 5 days!!). Apologies if it looks like I've randomly verified only some of the runs, I hedonistically went for the longest survival ones first because they're super quick to check, not having to retime them. But yeah, lots of cool runs waiting, and I'll try to get round to them in 5 days. Have a great holidays, signing off (:


mathew144 likes this
Kent, England

@Other people , I'm sorry, my current retimer app is not working, I promise 100% I will rectify this over the weekend.

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Hello, dear runners! It's been a while since new category addition, but the wait is over! Meet new category - "The Longest Survival (Zero Items)"! Please read category and its subcategories' rules carefully. Hope you enjoy it, good luck!

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