Suggestion: new leaderboard= all disciplines
1 year ago
Bavaria, Germany

recently a popular youtube speedrunner EazySpeezy speedrunned the latest Mario and Sonic. He ran all disciplines on hard and wanted to ask if we could do a leaderboard for that too because that sounds like a lot of fun.

The_Challenger99 likes this
Barcelona, Catalonia

Yes it would be fun, and it would cover other disciplines that don't have a timer as well. The only speedrun that has events without timers is the Any%, which is close to 3 hours long

100% on board

MarkuzZz likes this

Usually those categories don't have much people playing them, the one in the video even had no one else ever done it. While I think it deserves a place, maybe we should look in making a category extensions board? We could add party mode, all events easy/normal/hard, ghost mode, all skiing/all skating events, all dream event or other ideas that came up here. But that would require people actually wanting to run it

Bavaria, Germany

i would run them

Barcelona, Catalonia

I'm running it too

Also, the Switch version didn't have many runs in Very Hard because our Hard category is childsplay in comparison to their Very Hard

Edit: okay after 1 hour and a half I can say that maybe AllEvents Hard is not childsplay, but theirs is definetely harder

Edited by the author 1 year ago
MarkuzZz likes this
Barcelona, Catalonia

I think adding too many categories at once would be detrimentral, since it could happen like in Beijing 2008, where a thousand categories exist but there barely are any runs

They have this rule in Pokemon, where you have to play a run first before suggesting the category. I think we could do that with ideas like the Ghost% and AllEvents, that way we could have a guarantee that no category would remain empty

(I haven't beaten every Ghost yet, I'm incapable with Bobsleight, so can't run that)


That's why I advice making a Category Extensions board. It wouldn't hurt the main boards in any way, and we can put all kind of weird/strange ideas we like there. Needing a run before it is a board is a great idea

The_Challenger99 likes this
Barcelona, Catalonia

But that's the thing, if we make a Misc that would mean that AllEvents would never exit the Misc. The final objective is for it to become an actual fullyfledged category separated from the Misc. So creating a Misc has to provisional, like a first step, not definitive

In Brawl Stars for example, they have a separate Category Extensions and when the Mods want to add a new Category, they set a limit (it was 3 runs before it becomes a Category in the official Brawl Stars speedrun Leaderboards. Until then it won't exit the category extension). They don't do it with every idea though, the craziest categories are never leaving the Misc or CEx.

So if the mods were to make a Misc it is advisable that it works like this

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Bavaria, Germany

I've already tried a few runs with an all discipline run and found that it turned out to be longer than I thought so I decided to split the run into 2 repeat runs. a run with all normal disciplines and a separate run with all dream disciplines to make the runs more attractive to run in general. I just wanted to let you know

The_Challenger99 likes this
Barcelona, Catalonia

Wanna best me?

(Around 45 minutes)

MarkuzZz likes this
Bavaria, Germany

my speedrun for all normal disciplines is ready and it can make a leaderboard (all dream disciplines are yet to come)

this run is of course not perfect but a good starting point where you can still improve

Bavaria, Germany

so now there's also a speedrun with all the dream events, and now you can make a new leatherboard

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