Nintendo Switch
6 years ago
United States

I'm a Nintendo Switch player. I just submitted my first run ever, and was rejected. I can only screenshot or capture the last 30 seconds in video, and I was hoping that would be enough. (Run is only 3:15) Any suggestions? The switch is listed in platforms for the game I am running. (Celeste classic)

European Union

either get a capture card, or record using a webcam/phone.

blueYOSHI likes this
United States

For Celeste Classic, it might be easier to just play on a PC and use something like OBS to record.

blueYOSHI likes this
United States

Thanks for the quick responses guys. I have resorted to recording from my phone for the mean time, hopefully that will be clear enough for the moderators. It seems pretty easy to capture with card on a switch, easier them I assumed. (Pretty new to a lot of this) Something I will look into as I get more into speed running and longer runs.

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Capture devices aren't that expensive, if you're an adult with a job (and I have no way of knowing if you are). If you can save up for a bit, they're well worth it. Most can capture multiple different consoles, too.


I see you got your run accepted good job :)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
SwissEcho likes this