Couple other questions (teams, level restarts)
3 years ago
Arizona, USA

First, is it acceptable for a run to reload levels to get acceptable optional objectives as long as the timer is still running (i.e. not have that horrible dirty sink objective)

Second, when doing VR, are we allowed to carry 4 items to various places?

Edit: In team matches if one person dies, can you still submit the completed run if the recorder didn't die?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

Yes to all three.

If it isn't mentioned in the rules, then generally you are allowed to do it.

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0.9 Ascension Update! Board Archival and Rule Changes.

Hello Everyone!

Along with update 0.9 Ascension update comes a full board and category extension archival! This might be exciting for some and disappointing to others as it means all categories are now once again empty and wide open for anyone to take the top spot.

Why is archiving/wiping necessar

8 months ago