Questions about Low% Category
4 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Just a couple questions. Can you use the regular pistol on Final Nemmy instead of the Burst Pistol? (I forgot to pick it up in my run and just did knife only just incase) Also can you shoot ur gun at all to lower DA? (I assume not just want to make sure) And lastly, No Inferno? Is this just because its too hard? or because Nightmare and Inferno are too similar, or something else?

California, USA

You can use the normal Handgun, yes. (but you should use the burst, it's faster) No you cannot shoot your gun until Final Nemesis. (I'm adding that to the rules) Inferno isn't up because I don't think anyone has actually finished an attempt of it lol..

Ontario, Canada

Cool thx. I think this is the best way to have a "Knife Only" category. No point of regular Knife as it just makes it slower and less of a speedrun. And although Knife Only Final Nemesis is possible. Its def tedious and only really a viable strat in Assisted (and possibly Standard).


pretty sure i saw nix doing no pistol stuff on standard so odd to see pistol added for final nemmy.

California, USA

Nix and Crazy helped set up all the rules, and this is what they presented to us. I just set it up on the board.

Use of g18 for final nemmy reminds of the apartment save discussion. I prefer g18 use though.

Ontario, Canada

@kniferun I think its more of an issue with harder difficulties. Like do we want a speedrun to be doing Knife Only Nightmare Final Nemmy for 20+ minutes.

Like I said I prefer the use of g18 on final nemmy also the use of ng+ knife. I understand the use of them. Technically not low% though.


Exactly, what is the point in running a knife only category, where all the boss fights are going to be long anyway, just to skip over the last boss even though it’s possible to do it with the knife and on all difficulties.

This is exactly the reason why I routed handgun only because otherwise it would have been another low% with ppl picking up the magnum.

Whether the final Nemmy fight is going to take you 20mins or not it should be irrelevant.

This is just an outside looking in thing, I won’t pretend to know exactly what was discussed between you 3, but I would have thought having seen nix beat the boss without the handgun that that’s how it was going to be.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

if nix uses a weapon it's impossible for us to do it without, so i accept handgun .it's annoying ,tedious and takes away all the magic that last fight with the blobs at the upper part with u trying 20 mins to push 1 meter length of each of 3 generators.

Orlando, FL, USA

Knife only from Hardcore on would be close to impossible because of the final boss. His attacks are way quicker and he can stun lock you. I think the pistol for final boss is fair.

Ontario, Canada

Final Nemmy Knife only is a meme, For challenge runs it makes sense but for Speedruns its kind of a joke. Maybe we can change the category name but what would it be called?

Florida, USA

maybe Hot Dogger %?

Its fine as is. Was just being nitpicky. Using the g18 for final nemmy seems a bit memey as well though.