category extension ideas I have
5 years ago
New Jersey, USA

So I recently brainstormed a couple of (maybe) fun category ideas that I believe would kind of be cool to run. So I’m just gonna list them all out here :)

1.) All secret exits - pretty self explanatory, grab all 18 red flags as fast as possible, time would stop upon touching the last one.

2.) 99 lives - ALSO pretty self explanatory, just get 99 lives. That’s it. :p

3.) All bosses - Beat every single boss/mini boss in the game. Timing would stop upon hitting the switch in 8-BC

4.) All cannons - Unlock all 5 cannons and use them. Timing would stop upon blasting off in the fifth.

So yeah. There’s my list. Btw, I mentioned for these to be on the CE board cuz I know none of these would really suit the main nsmb board, unless the mods think otherwise (which I don’t think they will).

Bogdan_mk and Lachurs like this
Massachusetts, USA

Kinda unrelated but can we get challenge mode as a misc cat

Imaproshaman and Pidgey like this


Gaming_64, Uvideo and 2 others like this
United States

@pidgeyProwler, like these ideas but would they bee for the category extensions?

Victoria, Australia

"Category extension ideas I have"

Pidgey, Bogdan_mk, and Imaproshaman like this
Minnesota, USA

Why not post this on the category extensions board? But they’re still cool ideas, I’d maybe run a couple of them.

Imaproshaman and Pidgey like this
New Jersey, USA

Pretty much the only reason i posted this here is because i feel like a lot more people would see it, as opposed to the CE board where not as many nsmb runners are. I thought that made sense anyway :p

Texas, USA

All Castles might be cool too since cannonless skips worlds 4 and 6

Pidgey likes this
Massachusetts, USA

Might as well run all levels at that point

Pidgey likes this
New Jersey, USA

Yeah, that’s the thing. It’s tough to think of unique categories that aren’t basically just an existing one but with like 1 or 2 less levels, minor rerouting, etc.

Imaproshaman likes this
Massachusetts, USA

All levels gets no love, sadly. Despite it being a legitimate alternate completion goal (2 stars on save file), it sits in misc while no powerups, which is based on an arbitrary restriction, gets to enjoy life as a main cat. It's basically a tragedy.

Pidgey and Imaproshaman like this
New Jersey, USA

When you put it that way, it does sound kinda dumb actually. What does make all levels and nse miscellaneous categories anyway? How are they any different than the other 4? ?

Imaproshaman likes this
Madison, WI, USA

I feel like low% is the opposite of 100%, although now it's "no powerups" It is kind of weird that all levels is ignored though.

Bogdan_mk, Pidgey, and Imaproshaman like this
Massachusetts, USA

The opposite of hundo would be fewest levels cleared and fewest star coins collected, so practically just any%. No powerups is just its own weird thing.

North Carolina, USA

From a game completion standpoint, I totally agree that No Powerups is arbitrary and shouldn't be a category. However, I really think that it presents a fun and unique challenge, which is more important than whether or not the game treats it differently (number of stars on your file) in my opinion.

Imaproshaman likes this
Massachusetts, USA

It's not that it shouldn't be a cat, I was just saying that it doesn't make a whole lotta sense to have it as a main cat, but that's just my opinion. I tend to like alternate-completion-goal type categories more than arbitrary restriction categories.

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