6 years ago
Florida, USA

How do i record a speed run of a full screen application? I have tried to record with OBS, XSplit, and Debut, but none of them actually captured the game.What is a recording software i could use, seeing as i would like to record a speed run.


You should be able to do it with OBS, that's what I use (along with probably 99% of Twitch users). What have you tried exactly? Using a window capture or a display capture source should do the trick.

Richmond, VA, USA

Here's a beginner walk through on some of the settings in OBS. Use this to troubleshoot and let me (us) know if this doesn't solve it for you. Good luck!

(Forgive me if this isn't the right video, I'm at work and didn't get a chance to watch the whole thing XD)

Edited by the author 6 years ago