
Have all the moderators gone on holidays at the same time or something? My run has been submitted and unverified for 3 days now and I haven't seen any other runs verified for 3 days and when they do, they verify some guy's run who can't read the rules.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

lol it happens u just gotta give it some time


they're here my run got verified and i submitted it 2 days ago

Michigan, USA

If it is necessary I'd be happy to be a mod as I'm very active and have knowledge of this game. But if it's not necessary then it's not necessary.

1-up likes this
United States

Ya I'd love to be a mod I. On every 2 hours or so


I'm at least on more often than every 4 days! They still haven't verified any runs at least they're having a decent lengthed holiday.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

I'm gonna submit a game

Texas, USA

I check the site daily, I moderate a series on here already and I've played this game on and off for years, so by the standards of what y'all have said here, I could be also be a good mod candidate tbh.