So, I'm Pretty Curious...
1 year ago
Florida, USA

For those who run Volleyball 2-on-2, how did you settle on your team combinations when making your run attempts? Because when I looked through the leaderboards for No Behemoth, I saw teams consisting of...

  • Waluigi & Junior
  • Diddy Kong & White Mage
  • Ninja & Waluigi
  • Junior & White Mage
  • Junior & Toad
  • Cactaur & Junior
  • Waluigi & Black Mage
  • Two Miis

The characters I've been using while playing the game casually on my downtime were Luigi, Black Mage and Waluigi (the latter of whom I swap either of the former two out for on occasions, though I did use Waluigi on my run through the tournament so I could take the Hidden Route that unlocked Black Mage), because those are the three I've had the most experience using back when I used to have a physical copy of this game as a kid (outside of my Mii, which basically plays like a nerfed Mario while having the same stats).

Texas, USA

Jr, and Wal, easy points with Jr serving and later into sports mix or on hard when it becomes more difficult to score you have Wals ability for at least 2-3 points later in