Question 81
5 months ago
Styria, Austria

No idea if anybody is still looking into this forum but I'll try. I am trying to learn how to speedrun this game for ESA as we want to do a flashgame-marathon. Not trying to be insanely fast just trying to do it as fast as I can without spending too much time. However question 81 on my local adobe flash player doesn't work and I don't know why. In the browser I can do it first try everytime, click the pole, move the mouse up and down, but when I try doing that on my local PC it just doesn't work, I can't get past it. Any idea why?

Victoria, Australia

Because you aren't supposed to click the pole, you just rub it up and down. The browser version is most likely a html poki version which runs differently to the original flash version.

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How to add the Impossible Quiz Autosplitter to your livesplit

If you have any problem with your livesplit in this game which it can be:

Not splitting fast enough when reaching a specific Question

Starting the run much earlier

Then I think it will be much easier if you have the game autosplitter. Its not needed but it is very helpful.

  1. To set it up go to
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