Report a site bug
9 years ago
United States

/run/7yl727rm & /api/v1/runs/7yl727rm <- How does the site report the time as no loads but the API reports the time as real time? I assume it's related to how they're both dealt with on the backend?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

One leaderboard on the I wanna fangames series, 'I Wanna Sheep 100' isn't being reported properly on the series page in 'recent runs'.

See here

One time is being reported twice here. It has looked like this for 2 days or so now. They link to the same place, and there is not a duplicate run, so I'm not sure what's going on.

United States

That's odd. I checked the API and there doesn't appear to be duplicates. The page has been updated and seems to have resolved itself. If it comes up again be sure post here again.

Lincolnshire, England

So I deleted a couple of crappy misc category runs from my profile the other day and now I have no runs whatsoever. Not sure why, anyway I can get the ones I want back?

United States

They're hard deleted, unfortunately. But you're in luck, I crawled the database about 10 days ago and seem to have found your runs. You'll have to resubmit them manually.

And some other runs the sheet doesn't have: /run/7z0n418m /run/pydgx50y /run/jy96q0ny /run/9mee5x8m /run/pydgx60y /run/8m724qwz /run/9mrope7m

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United States

We have daily backups. Restoring a full game is not too bad right now, I don't know if we're able to restore a user's data as easily, but it is backed up.

This seems abnormal if you're describing the scenario accurately. Did you do anything else?

Edited by the author 8 years ago

The "show rules by default" option doesn't appear to be working, you still have to click show rules before seeing any text

United States

How does the database rank leaderboards? I'm guessing it's PrimaryTime>RealTime>GameTime>NoLoads>RunDate. I've found some runs with all of the above being the same, this being the worst offender. This one has same times but different dates, which explains the obsolete runs. But wouldn't it then rank by Dates on leaderboards too? ie for two runs with the same times, the older one is ranked higher. How do you get around that?

...also how do you query it efficiently? Takes me like 15 minutes to generate positions for all runs. I also get the floor number instead of ceiling for runs/players with identical times.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United Kingdom

I had 50 notifications for a post in a forum that I followed this morning.

edit: ok I see this has already been reported elsewhere

Edited by the author 8 years ago

like evilclownattack already mentioned correctly, rules are not showing on default eventhough the option is enabled in the leaderboard settings


Maybe I am not the first one had this issue but this happened to me today:

Edited by the author 8 years ago
f1 and Havi like this

Already reported, Lighnator was having problems replicating it. Notifications were/are turned off for a while whilst it's sorted.

United States

Trying to edit IL leaderboard rules, getting this:

1st-3rd place medals aren't appearing on, even though they appear to be there in the theme.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

[quote=evilclownattack]The "show rules by default" option doesn't appear to be working, you still have to click show rules before seeing any text[/quote] Fixed.

Custom ranking icons are fixed as well. Notifications are partially fixed, see the other thread

United States

Made a list of black hole'd runs (runs that don't exist on any leaderboard, regardless of obsoletion):

Not sure if this thread was the right spot.


When hovering over a run on a leaderboard, it will only show a part of the comment and cut the rest off. For the full comment, you have to position the cursor exactly over the comment icon. This does not happen on userpages, hovering over runs always shows the full comment there.

United States

How are Real Time/Time With Loads and Time Without Loads organized in the backend? When I added Time Without Loads as an option to Command & Conquer: Renegade I noticed the then Real Time values moved over to Time Without Loads. Wouldn't that cause a swamp of inaccuracies for runs that aren't manually updated? Why not have 3 time records (RT,GT,NL) and change the column titles based on which columns are visible?

This does explain how this run is considered first place on my end, but then how does the database know that the 0:21 is Time Without Loads and not Time With Loads, since the API reports it as realtime and not realtime_noloads?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United States

xHaviiHx: Series moderation does not inherit any more. This functionality was removed a few months ago with Lighnat0r's game organization update.

ROMaster2: I don't know the answers to the other questions, but

[quote]Why not have 3 time records (RT,GT,NL) and change the column titles based on which columns are visible? [/quote]

Something like this needs done in the timer update. The timer code is poorly handled for multiple timers right now.

ROMaster2 and Havi like this

Not sure if anyone mentioned this one before but if you submit your video in parts (multiple videos) then some of the videos will show up as links as seen here.

Right now the only way to "solve" this issue would be to put at least 2 spaces between the link thats broken from both sides.