Fast Apartment
4 years ago
Tennessee, USA

I wonder if anyone can help me out, my apartment split is 1:15 and I was noticing that the top runners splits are 8 seconds on average faster than mine, which confuses me because its basically an autoscroller. I did notice that they are moving much faster than I am able to during the first person section at the very beginning. I cant find anything online as to how this may be happening so I was looking for any pointers. Thanks.


What platform and FPS?

Honestly it is a grind to get the apartment movement down, but you should watch the top few runners and notice their movement and what their times are within the apartment. I'm not an expert, but I'm getting low 1:07s consistently now and have a high 1:06 gold.

Decent/good times for PC/120:

  • Turn off the sink at 09.20-09.40

No real tricks here except hug the corners without rubbing too much. Head towards the door trigger but turn into the door a bit early so you're facing the sink switch.

  • Turn off the lights at low 17 (high 16 possible but difficult)

As soon as you gain control, flick the mouse very quickly to the left so you're facing the right direction, holding left strafe briefly, then quickly transition to forward. Head toward the door trigger first then turn into the direction of the light switch trigger as the door is opening.

  • Answer the phone at mid 26

This walk can be a bit tricky to optimize, but pretty much just start to the right-center of the door, start turning left as the door opens and keep the line tight without rubbing too much. Make sure you don't skip the cut scene until Jill says Hello, or you'll be facing the wrong direction in the next scene.

  • After first balcony, nemesis crash cut scene around low 43

There are several techniques for the 2 balcony sections. Try to keep turns tight using quick mouse movements or strafe transitions and tap W as you head down the stairs to stair skate. For the final balcony some people use strafes for the turns and head down the last section facing into the camera. I wish I could explain it better but it's just a lot of trial and error on the stairs to learn what works. The main thing is keeping the turns tight, stair skating and not heading out wide like a tank.

If you're struggling with a particular section, it might help to use the trainer for practice and set up an auto save before the troublesome section so you can practice it quickly.

lwjcser likes this
Tennessee, USA

Sorry. Forgot to mention PC/60. I guess it’s just optimization but I don’t see how I’m losing 8sec. For example, I’m turning off the water at 11. It seems like I’m moving slow but can’t go any faster


Probably FPS related. I checked a few 60FPS PC runs and 1:10+ seemed common.

Portland, OR, USA

Damn.. I run the game on an Xbox One (which is debatably the worst console to run it on), so the idea of getting out of the apartment at 1:07 sounds crazy. 1:15 is the fastest time I’ve gotten, 1:16 and 1:17 are the most common for me. But the FPS on an Xbox One can be pretty slow. PlayStation seems to run the game at a solid 60 while Xbox outputs the game at a higher resolution which makes the game go much slower. Would love if I could make it out sub 1:10

All consoles are the same resolution now. Xbox one x was 4k at launch but was patched down to match other consoles at 1080 since its 4k FPS was dragging below base xbox 1080 FPS. Base xbox is the worst console for FPS. Base ps4 is closer to ps4pro and xbox one x on the other hand. ps4pro probably tops all.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
DIABLERIE likes this
Ohio, USA

I get a best of 1 min 14 sec for the escape. This is on console xbox one x. I have gotten a 1 min 9 on PC 60fps with autosplitter but difficult. Now there is approx 5 second animation before console can check the time. A 1 min 14 is a high 1 min 9 or low 1 min 10 sec at the same point pc stops the timer. Since I run both of and console, i have worked out the time.

I think i am the only PC runner that got a sub 1 min 10 sec with a controller. No keyboard or mouse.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
DIABLERIE likes this
Portland, OR, USA

Enigma, just for reference: that 5 second animation doesn’t count towards your time. As soon as the animation is done just pause the game and you can see your time. I also play on Xbox one and a 1:14 is amazing. 1:15 is my best.

The best time I've gotten with 60FPS was 1:10 and I know it can be at last one second faster. It's just a matter of moving around the bed/tables/walls without hitting them(That slows you down), not Strafing(No A/D) because that slows you down, and precise W mashing on the stairs so that you speeeeed down them at maximum speeeeeed.

DIABLERIE likes this
Ohio, USA

That 4-5 seconds does add according to my livesplit on pc. That's why there is a discrepancy.

DIABLERIE likes this
Ohio, USA

I forgot to turn off the mic of my Kinect. Sorry. 1 min 14 sec apartment escape console/controller

DIABLERIE likes this
Portland, OR, USA

Ah yes, if you are using livesplits then it counts because its going by real time. It's unfortunate there's no way to have autosplits (meaning that livesplits pauses the timer for you during animations/cutscenes), but since the leaderboards go by in game time then it shouldn't matter. Use livesplits to your advantage to know if you are on a good pace but just know that your final time won't have any of those animations counted. Your livesplit time will be a good 4-5 mins higher than your in game timer by the end of run.

TheMrEnigma72 likes this
Portland, OR, USA

Seriously though, seeing a 1:14 on console is super cool and hopefully I can get that by optimizing my movement like you did. Like I said, 1:15 for me is pretty good playing on xbox. Great job.

TheMrEnigma72 likes this
Ohio, USA

Thanks. I can get a 1:15 on my One S but I think the fps time bleed during cut scenes make it harder on base consoles. I've got a 1:13 on the pc at that same spot with my low 1:09

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Ohio, USA

When you make the corner on the 2nd stairs. use the timing similar to quick turns for stair skating. as you turn the camera. a couple quick forward hits on the left stick turns you quickly on the stairs.

Ohio, USA

When you make the corner on the 2nd stairs. use the timing similar to quick turns for stair skating. as you turn the camera. a couple quick forward hits on the left stick turns you quickly on the stairs.

pc clip of the 1:09

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Ohio, USA

This is a better clip on my computer. This way you can see how I use the controller to go fast.


Awsome with my normal ps4 i wish I can get that time


Picked up a new apartment PB on PC, 120FPS. 1:06.34. I've had better phone pick-ups by ~0.07 so 1:06.2# is possible for sure.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
TheMrEnigma72 likes this
Ohio, USA

I got a PB on my PC today, 120FPS 1:08:90 apartment with a controller.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Natural11 likes this