Any% bhops
10 months ago

So I read the speedruning rules and I wanted just to make sure about it, Is bhoping banned from the any%?

from my understanding it's not banned in this specific category...


the answer is no even the current WR for Any%he is using bhops so its not banned

Edited by the author 10 months ago

Bhops that start from the same elevation ( ground bhops ) are banned because they can be chained if your fps is lower and is unstable. There are some exceptions allowed because they can be done consistently no matter what fps you are on.


I know that PyBrou, but in the rules of Any% specifically it's written "No Restrictions"

so does that mean that in ANY% it is allowed to bhop or not allowed?

United States

the category rules of any% have no restrictions. What is written in the game wide rules applies to all categories

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Changes on bhop and IL rules

After discussing with the mod team and top runners, we agreed to make changes to bhop rules and to the IL leaderboards.

All of these changes don't affect console runs, since all bhops are allowed on console.

We are makin

3 months ago
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