New Categories Added
5 months ago
Ontario, Canada


I have added a bunch of new categories to the Tetris DS leaderboard for you guys to challenge yourselves with. Enjoy!


thank you frpro21

FFRPro21 likes this
Lorraine, France

Yeah thanks, it can start to entertain peoples here

FFRPro21 likes this

thank you for all the great work you have done for this game. could you add line clear as a category? there are 6 different height settings 0-5 and you can choose level 1-20, but i think runs shoud be played at level 1 as it only increases the gravity

Kifty likes this
Louisiana, USA

You are the goat im finna grind the shit out of time trial ty. I have a sub 30s but no shot I'm going to get a run that good while recording my console for a WHILE

ioanok, FFRPro21, and Kifty like this
Ontario, Canada

@ioanok Added Standard (Line Clear) to the leaderboard for you. I also forgot about Mission (Marathon) since it ends after completing 40 missions so I added that category as well.

ioanok and Kifty like this


Kifty likes this