Update with the release of the Full Clip Edition
7 years ago

Hi everyone

Today is the realease of the Full Clip Edition and so far nothing major change gameplay-wise, only loading times changed so far.

Until some major changes is discovered, I'm putting both version as a variable for the runs. Current records have already been converted to the original version.

If you have any questions of this, fell free to ask them on this thread.


The Full Clip ediiton adds another mode called "Overkill mode" where every weapon is unlocked at the start of the game and completing every skillshot for a weapon grants you infinite ammo for that weapon.

Any run made in Overkill Mode will be counted as a NG+ run (since you unlock the mode after completing the game). Right now there isn't a tab for it but feel free to ask me or Shaddex to add it.


It would be good if you could add the NG+ looking to run overkill mode after i do all the skillshots for all the ammo. Thanks :)


Will do. Altough i think Overkill mode is a different mode where all weapons are available. I think they still need to be unloked and you have to redo the skillshots for the infinite ammo.

Still it will probably be faster than Campaign because of the cherged shotgun already available at the start of the game. Plus, iirc, you don't play the prologue again.


nah from what ive played with it carries on from your campaign so i only had to do a few skillshots but i can test that whenever


So what is the actual timing rules is it start timing as soon as difficulty selected or as soon as gaining control of gray and is the stop timing losing control or black screen at the end would be good to know in the rules?


For now the timing I used was the following : Timer starts when the Prologue or Chapter 1 (depending on the mode) is done loading and you press the button to continue (Which is the first input you have to make after lauching a new game)

Timer ends when you kick the soldier trying to enter the capsule (which is the last input you have to do to complete the game)

You can see more precisely whe it starts/end on my videos.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

alright thats fine thanks thats what i mostly thought it would be

Glamorganshire, Wales

I know I've just received a dead forum, but does Duke Nukem count on the leaderboards? I know he's referred to as Grey, but he is a separate character voiced by the legendary John St. John.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

I haven't checked if there are any differences between the two characters, if there are none, i don't see the point in having a specific category for Duke Nukem and he can be used in a run.

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