Feedback thread
9 years ago
Hampshire, England

Would be nice if there was a "order alphabetically" button for the Level Leaderboards, trying to move each level up and down one by one to manually order them is becoming really annoying D:

Havi likes this
United States

Three points:

  1. Inputting times via dropdown menus is awkward and much slower than typing. This ties into the below point as well.

  2. Setting up leaderboards, especially those with a large amount of ILs is incredibly clunky with the "You can not submit runs this quickly" message. Would there be a way to turn this off for moderators of the game, as they would have legitimate reasons to submit a large amount of runs in a short timeframe.

  3. I was thinking about what happens when websites and such inevitably shut down, and that led to realizing that the leaderboards here don't really have any easy way to back up the data elsewhere. An option to download a local copy in a text file/mirror the data on a google spreadsheet would be a good protection against future data loss: more redundancy is never a bad thing.

Bavaria, Germany

[quote=xHaviiHx] Is it possible to add "Mark this forum as read" option. I don't like to see "New" in front of every topic. My OCD doesn't like that. It sounds maybe authistic but please? [/quote] Unfortunately implementing that is kinda tricky with the way it is coded atm, but it will definitely be added as a part of bigger forum overhauls, at some point.

[quote=Racingmonster] A notification for someone who replies or posts on a forum you mod or posted on. I looked in the Notification settings and didn't see Forum Reply notification [/quote] It's already possible to get notifications for threads/posts on forums you follow, so I don't see the need to add new notification types for forums you moderate. Notifications for replies to your post are useful, but ideally you would be able to enable/disable notifications per thread which would (optionally) automatically be enabled for threads you post in.

[quote=derp1337] It would be nice if you could follow a whole game series, as opposed to following all the games individually. [/quote] There are some details that need to be worked out, but this will be added in some form or other in or soon after the game tags update.

[quote=Joshimuz] Would be nice if there was a "order alphabetically" button for the Level Leaderboards, trying to move each level up and down one by one to manually order them is becoming really annoying [/quote] Easier organization is definitely something that needs to be looked into, just adding alphabetic ordering might be too specific though.

[quote=Ihavenoname248] Three points:

  1. Inputting times via dropdown menus is awkward and much slower than typing. This ties into the below point as well.

  2. Setting up leaderboards, especially those with a large amount of ILs is incredibly clunky with the "You can not submit runs this quickly" message. Would there be a way to turn this off for moderators of the game, as they would have legitimate reasons to submit a large amount of runs in a short timeframe.

  3. I was thinking about what happens when websites and such inevitably shut down, and that led to realizing that the leaderboards here don't really have any easy way to back up the data elsewhere. An option to download a local copy in a text file/mirror the data on a google spreadsheet would be a good protection against future data loss: more redundancy is never a bad thing. [/quote]

  4. The benefit of drop down lists is that they are much more foolproof. If you want to though you can still focus on the dropdown and type the time, which will select the right entry for you.

  5. Absolutely, this is something that needs to be done.

  6. Agreed on the redundancy, and this is one of the uses of the API, you can use it to get text backups of leaderboards etc already.

Michigan, USA

kirkq: Yeah, it would take a lot of work for sure. Even though all of that, I think the payoff to the work would be well worth it. Being able to interact to the runner (even if it is one-way) with a comment section feels pretty good (both in leaving a comment and getting one). Not trying to say this is a feel good hippy community thing but it does make game leaderboards feel more like a "community resource" and less like just an archive of records. With, what looks like, PM'ing coming soon this also seems like it would be a logical step to getting people more connected in each series/game. Moderation is a completely different beast. Runners could moderate their own comments but really it would make sense for moderators to do it. If they are one in the same then I have no idea, probably just let them moderate anyway though. You could even turn off comment sections when you submit a video, these things are not terribly hard to implement (since the structure is already in place). Just a thought. Sorry if I am being a pest but it really is something that I think would positively add to the site. Thanks!

Bavaria, Germany

Racingmonster: I was referring to the "New forum post in followed game" and "New forum thread in followed game" notification types.

United States

@kirkq Is it a technical limitation of HTML/Javascript? The user could leave the field empty to display "3:14" or enter 0/00/000 to display "3:14.000".

Could there be an option to follow series forums? I have to regularly check said forums to see if there's been a reply.

United States

It's probably able to be done, but the confusion comes largely from the user expectation on inputting times and then displaying times on the board. 3:14 would basically have to be considered 3:14.999 for all intents and purposes. Then like you mentioned, the alignment would be a bit weird in any case. The API would probably pass up 3:14.999 to eliminate ambiguity. For all these reasons it just seems confusing to me.

United States

Feature request: the ability to put a run on the leaderboards, but not have it count towards the rankings. This can already be done somewhat with obsolete runs showing as a dash, but a manual means of applying this could be a useful feature to have.

  1. 1:00 Player 1
  2. 2:00 Player 2
  • 2:01 Player 2 (alternate route, worth showing for reliability)
  1. 3:00 Player 3

...and so on

PackSciences likes this
United States

This seems like a really niche use case. I think it makes enough sense to just link a video in a guide or in a forum post. I don't think people will know that the obscure run in (15th) place with a dash is a useful guide for learning.


I think it would be nice if when you check a users obsolete runs, it would list the best rank (1st, 2nd, etc) for each obsolete runs, the same way it lists the current rank of the most recent run (i guess it would be nice then if it also listed the best placing of the most recent run too).

United States

Found a small bug. On my user page, it says I'm in 38th place in Metroid Prime Any%. But when you go to the leaderboards for that category, it says I'm in 37th. Not sure where the discrepancy is coming from.


Skull thats thanks to runs that obsolute each other with the normal settings of the leaderboards gets counted in on your profile

United States

maglame: I think the obsolete time is mostly relevant within the context of runs prior to it being obsoleted. "This run is 5th today but the user has a better run that's third" is information that can be gathered from simple deduction. I don't know that it's common enough of a use case to need to be worth adding. "This run used to be 5th in 2013" is information that can be gathered from the API right now, but there's not a way to display that on the site right now.

Skull64: Not sure honestly, I don't see anything odd sticking out, probably a better question for Lighnat0r. (or maybe i'm not quite understanding what Trollbear is suggesting)

United States

Just so followed popular games don't consume the front page, could there be a notification setting to limit updates to only when there's a change in the top 5? It's kind of annoying to see a bunch of 20th+ runs push out the less popular games, but I don't want to limit it to 1st place either.

A faster means to organize followed games would be nice. I have mine on custom so my two main series are on the top and chronological, with the remaining alphabetical. Each time I follow a new game I mundanely move them up so it's in the correct spot. Drag and drop to a new position would streamline it.

To reduce the number of people asking for moderator of a game/series because they're waiting for their run to be approved, Full Mods+ can be notified when a run has been waiting 2 weeks or longer. They can either approve it themselves or attempt to contact the game moderator(s). It shouldn't cause too much controversy since game mods can remove a run that was incorrectly approved, and full mods+ wouldn't approve a run of a game they have no knowledge of.

United Kingdom

I was unable to submit "0%" as a category name.

Bavaria, Germany

[quote=maglame]I think it would be nice if when you check a users obsolete runs, it would list the best rank (1st, 2nd, etc) for each obsolete runs, the same way it lists the current rank of the most recent run (i guess it would be nice then if it also listed the best placing of the most recent run too).[/quote] In addition to what kirkq already said, this would significantly impact the time it takes to load those pages. (And load times are already bad at the moment)

[quote=Skull64]Found a small bug. On my user page, it says I'm in 38th place in Metroid Prime Any%. But when you go to the leaderboards for that category, it says I'm in 37th. Not sure where the discrepancy is coming from.[/quote] This seems to no longer occur at the moment, but yeah it was probably due to the standalone place calculation (i.e. on your profile) not taking the regions/platforms obsolete eachother options into account.

[quote=ROMaster2]Just so followed popular games don't consume the front page, could there be a notification setting to limit updates to only when there's a change in the top 5? It's kind of annoying to see a bunch of 20th+ runs push out the less popular games, but I don't want to limit it to 1st place either.[/quote] I'm not entirely sure what you're after. Do you mean only having top 5 runs in followed games shown at the top on the front page or an extra notification type "between" 'New fullgame run in followed game' and 'New fullgame WR in followed game', so something like 'New fullgame top 5 run in followed game'?

[quote]A faster means to organize followed games would be nice. I have mine on custom so my two main series are on the top and chronological, with the remaining alphabetical. Each time I follow a new game I mundanely move them up so it's in the correct spot. Drag and drop to a new position would streamline it.[/quote] Drag and drop would be a nice addition for various pages, there are some other layout changes that need to be finished before though.

[quote]To reduce the number of people asking for moderator of a game/series because they're waiting for their run to be approved, Full Mods+ can be notified when a run has been waiting 2 weeks or longer. They can either approve it themselves or attempt to contact the game moderator(s). It shouldn't cause too much controversy since game mods can remove a run that was incorrectly approved, and full mods+ wouldn't approve a run of a game they have no knowledge of.[/quote] Full mods can already see runs awaiting verification for all games, and since runs get highlighted on that page once they're still awaiting after one and two weeks, I don't think more notification is helpful. Although it is possible to do so, having full mods approve runs in games they don't explicitly mod seems like a terrible idea though.

[quote=Racingmonster]I think there should be a number counter next your Rejected Runs and Pending Actions that way you know how many are reject or pending rather than counting them[/quote] I fail to see what you would possibly need that number for.

[quote=mobiusman]I was unable to submit "0%" as a category name.[/quote] Fixed.

mobiusman likes this
Bavaria, Germany

Why do you need to tell someone that amount though? But if you're that determined, you can always hit F12 and enter $('#leaderboarddiv1').find('tr.linked').length or $('#leaderboarddiv2').find('tr.linked').length in the console to get the number of runs awaiting verification and rejected runs respectively.

United States

[quote]I'm not entirely sure what you're after. Do you mean only having top 5 runs in followed games shown at the top on the front page or an extra notification type "between" 'New fullgame run in followed game' and 'New fullgame WR in followed game', so something like 'New fullgame top 5 run in followed game'? [/quote] That's about my line of thinking, yeah.

Bavaria, Germany

Racingmonster: Mods already have that number in a counter on the navigation bar at the top telling them exactly how many runs are awaiting verification.

ROMaster2: I mentioned two different things, which one do you mean?

United States

A between one "like 'New fullgame top 5 run in followed game'"