5 letter usernames
3 years ago
United Kingdom

You can only have a username that has 5 characters or more, yet some have usernames under 5 characters. What's the situation with that? (doesn't really matter, curiosity)


This restriction was put in place very recently and only affects new users or current users that are trying to change their name, but as all changes in rules, they don't apply retroactively, meaning any users that already have usernames under 5 characters get to keep them.

SuperAL1 and james like this

B) its the cool kids club

SuperAL1 and james like this
United Kingdom

Yeah, sucks. Why have the restriction? I like punchy usernames...but that's just me acting like a silly child


I'm not sure why they restricted the username length, but I'm almost certain that they restricted the special characters in names because they don't always work with forum mentions or when you put them as the runner/verified of a run (for example the username "Kai." doesn't tag to the correct user and instead tags to @Kai).

Given that they were in the process of restricting special characters, I guess they just thought they should restrict the username length while they were at it to be more in line with other sites.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Amaz, Merl_ and 4 others like this

I thought the restriction was for 3-letter names or lower, not on 4.

Gaming_64, Amaz, and Pear like this
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

wait i'm cool now?? lets goooo

United Kingdom

Nah buddy, you're in the 5 letter club like me. Those cool guys are the ones with "under" 5 (SioN, the elite, and a cool guy)

He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

im the even more cool guy i have a . in my name

TrenttheN642, Merl_ and 6 others like this
United Kingdom

I'm not jealous, ok! shouts insecurely

Merl_ and SuperAL1 like this
United States

See, I was sad at first because mine's technically 6 characters, but then I remembered I have 3 "." in my name.

im so heckin cool

TrenttheN642, Quivico and 2 others like this



I literally reference a dubstep song

United States

So I’m special now?

MinecraftGaming, TrenttheN642 and 4 others like this
United States

You always have been

Edited by the author 3 years ago
TrenttheN642, Merl_ and 4 others like this
United States


Hesse, Germany

Every single one of us is special, even without a Name with Special thingys or names under five letters. We all are really cool!

TrenttheN642 and O.D.W. like this
United States

Forget the Floppy part

SuperAL1, TrenttheN642 and 3 others like this