Bonus Chest/Starting Map
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Are bonus chest and starting map legal for speedruns? If so, which categories. I have never seen anyone use it, but it isn't a cheat. Probably a stupid question, and I'm sure the answer is no, but I was just wondering.

Florida, USA

Yeah the answer is no it's in the rules.


bonus chest and starting map are both banned. you need to show yourself turning them off while creating a world.

and it isn't a stupid question, i wondered the same thing at first as well bcos the map is on by default :)

Ya_daun likes this
Tennessee, USA

Guys don't answer the question just tell them to look at the rules.

Coral Springs, FL, USA

Look at the motherf***** rules


be nice guys, people who are unfamiliar with the site may have trouble finding the rules and properly understanding them.

if you're unsure about something which isn't obviously very stupid (e.g iS cReAtIvE aLlOwEd?), then you have every right to ask in a forum.

in future, do try and read the rules beforehand. there should be a view rules button on the leaderboard.

redspec, CyanWes and 3 others like this
United States

yes be polite to newcomers

Vader_1, CyanWes, and quickcuppa like this
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