Request leaderboard moderation (Read the first post before posting!)
5 years ago
United States

@cacti Placeholder run to basically indicate that that category isn't something possible to run (or worth tracking, though usually the former). The run is not by the moderator, it's by N/A - in other words, Not Applicable. Uncommon but not something that's bad.

There are plenty of active moderators for the game, direct your request towards them and accept whatever answer they give. As a note for the future, you'd also need to add more contact methods to your profile (and enable 2FA if it's not already) for site staff to consider a moderation request.

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

A user named Kid_Gamer is the moderator of Make a Cake And Feed The Giant Noob and Make a Cake: Back for Seconds. He is pretty active and is online almost every day, but is by no means fit to moderate. He instantly verifies runs without even watching them, and has verified runs in the wrong category on multiple occasions and verified runs without proof. The current moderation team is doing a good job as it is and doesn't need him on it. The series moderator can't remove him since Kid_Gamer is a super mod of the games.

Osaka, Japan

First of all, about Game: Metal Max2, the account of the super moderator who gave me moderator authority has been withdrawn, and only me is the moderator. I want to give moderators the role of an active player, but since normal moderators can't handle it, is it possible to temporarily make me a super moderator in Game: Metal Max2? This text is written using automatic translation. I'm sorry if there's anything that doesn't make sense.


@zir0nic - The series moderator doesn't have any power over the game (and shouldn't). The other Super Mods for those games should discuss these issues with @Kid_Gamer and come up with some sort of resolution. If a resolution cannot be reached, then one of them should come here. Also, @Kid_Gamer is not a Super Mod for one of the games, so that game's Super Mods should be able to handle that on their own.

@Overswarm - Okay, added.

@r-0109 - Done.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
R-0109 and Overswarm like this

Hello... I am requesting moderation for this game: Final Fight for SNES version, the only moderator has been offline during 2 months... I have a pending run, done with Haggar, one of the main characters of this game.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

@manticor5 - I'll try to talk to the moderator. If they don't get back to me, we can add you.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
manticor5 likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Requesting: My run has been pending for 3 weeks, they've been offline for almost a month and there's no way to contact them outside of this website.


@eucalyptus - Okay, added.

@TeamPowlene - I'll try to contact the moderator about this. In the meantime, you'll need to enable Email Authentication in your account settings, and add another social media contact to your profile (something like Twitter, Discord, Twitch, etc that you can receive direct messages on) before you can be added as a moderator.


@TwigWallder - This is not the purpose of this thread, or how this works. If you want to be a moderator on any of those games, you'll need to ask the game's Super Mods, though I don't expect any of them will add you as you've only done a single run of Katana Zero (which, as you noted, already has plenty of active moderators) and have not run any of the other games.

This thread is a last resort for if the current game moderators are inactive and cannot be contacted, or there are other moderation issues that cannot be resolved. Please carefully re-read the first post in this thread before posting here again. [quote]• Moderation requests are to be first directed towards the game's current moderators. Most games are not looking to add moderators that are not well-known to the community.[/quote]

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Otterstone_Gamer likes this

@Monkeh_ - Try to contact the moderators using the social media links on their profiles (I will do the same). If they don't get back us, we can add you.

Wisconsin, USA


I was wondering if i could get supermod for ICEY as HalfCoordinated does not run the game anymore and I would like to add more people to help with verifying runs as I do not have as much time as I use to.




I would like to take over as Super-Mod for the Big Pharma page ( ), for the following reasons:

  • Current Moderator has not logged in for 1 year since he first created the page. His run videos have disappeared.
  • He has not responded to posts and messages, and has no social media contact details.
  • No rules have been defined for the categories, and categories have only been added for the first 2 individual levels, whilst the game has 48 levels in total. So we can't really run the game as-is.

I do have a WR run on the leaderboard. As Mod I would intend to overhaul the categories and define proper rules.

Kind regards,

Edited by the author 4 years ago

@Blanc_Sal - @halfcoordinated is active (both here and on social media), so please direct your request to them.

@HexTree - Could you do a run of your proposed Any% category first? There are definitely a lot of issues with that leaderboard that need to be resolved, but we don't feel super comfortable adding you just based on the one run in the 10-11 second long category.

Poitou-Charentes, France


I'm requesting for , it's been over a month since my run submission!

Thank you!

Edited by the author 4 years ago

@Flynntendo - This series is not in need of moderation. Even if it was, we wouldn't feel comfortable adding you just based on you "planning" to run one of the games. If you want the second game to be added, please submit a game request. Also, for future moderation requests, you'll need to enable Email Authentication in your account settings before you can be added to anything.

@skeiider - I'll try to contact the moderator about this, if I can't reach them then we can add you. In the meantime, you'll need to enable Email Authentication in your account settings before you can be added as a moderator to anything.

(older request) @GamingAries - Removed @Pingvin107 as they are now inactive and never got back to me.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

@sokuno - I'll try to contact @bjw , if they can't get back to me we can add you.

Ontario, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

The Dark Deception leaderboards are a mess, Owner doesn't mod me (despite him saying he will) and keeps ignoring me. I said I wanted to be Mod to Fix the board and Verify runs, but that was on the 8th of January and still has not modded me.

As far as I know, he is not that active. And I cannot submit runs because the categories we asked for arent there (forums)

I would fix the IL's and add new categories such as 1 - 5 any% instead of 1 - 3. Because the game has updated since, but yet still hasn't added said categories. I would be able to add Easy, and Normal mode categories so its not so confusing and verify runs.


@HexTree - Could you do a run of your proposed Any% category first? There are definitely a lot of issues with that leaderboard that need to be resolved, but we don't feel super comfortable adding you just based on the one run in the 10-11 second long category.

@ShikenNuggets , as requested I ran a full scenario Any% run for Big Pharma. Here is the video:

Page in question:

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I am requesting moderator status for:

So, the moderators for the game "Sunky the Game (part1)" have both been inactive for over a year now and no new runs have been accepted except the mods'. I have a pending run that is the current world record but since the mods are inactive, I am unable to be verified.