Pou on coolmath
1 year ago
Ohio, USA

Pou was recently put on Coolmath Games (https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-pou) are runs allowed to be played on this site?

Somerset, England

No, use the official apps instead

Gaming_64 likes this
Ohio, USA

alright, thanks :)

jensj56 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

The Coolmath games version is a version of the game named Pou: The Original, which is official, However it is a version that is vastly different from the mobile versions. And we do not accept submittions from this version. I had requested this version to be added seperatly however my request got rejected. Tho i might add a category for it to The Category extensions page

grnts, alem17 and 4 others like this
Ohio, USA

Thanks, I hope to see a category for Web Pou one day on category extensions/original, the minigames are much easier to play on PC :)

Tudo_sobre_Pou likes this

São mesmo

SilentYES likes this

@yobbel a survive category for the web version has been added to the category extentions page https://www.speedrun.com/pou_extensions?h=Survive_Web_Version-Food_Drop&x=wk643exd-onv4x4rn.81wkyy51

Ohio, USA

thanks :D

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We have decided to make some changes to the highscore rules, All top 10 runs on mobile and All emulator runs going forward REQUIRE video proof that shows all the gameplay.

Any runs submitted after this post that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

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