True ending category suggestion
1 year ago
Devon, England
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Just wondering if it'll be worthwhile for a category for what I might call Revival% - a run that follows any% rules other than one slight change: All 19 Tower Secret Treasures need to be collected to obtain the true ending.

This would mean all the levels have to be played, but the runner can choose which Toppins they feel would be the longest to get from the main route to skip.

TheLordFlygon likes this
Super moderatorXBC30EP450
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

It'd kinda be like Any% but with a couple detours in each level. It might not be quite enough of a difference to warrant making a whole leaderboard for it...

Georgia, USA

Would probably make for a good category extension down the road

United States

I agree with this being a category, it's especially good since the game itself has an outfit for doing this in a certain time limit.

LatiusAuro likes this
Massachusetts, USA

The more time that passes, the more strongly that I feel that this SHOULD get its own leaderboard. Especially considering how often people keep asking for it (implying that they would indeed submit to it if there's a board). Length-wise it's in between any% and 100%, which could appeal to people who are looking to play a run of a certain length (I've seen people judge their potential speedrun projects by length consideration before). And the fact that the game acknowledges all treasures with a different ending cutscene should be the thing that tips it in the category's favor, if all other factors were on the fence.

AND there's the fact that the game actually encourages this category as an ingame speedrun with the John Suit unlockable. A lot of people will do a John Suit run as their first speedrun introducing them to the category, and from there they could continue running it if they decide that they'd rather not cut stuff out to transition into the shorter any% category.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
LatiusAuro and pacattacc like this
Devon, England
He/Him, She/Her
1 year ago

Well, it's here now. Although I still feel that, while All Treasures does help explain what is needed for that category, I would call it something different.

Super moderatorXBC30EP450
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Yeah, the point was brought up on the Discord. We have renamed the category to "True Ending" to eliminate that ambiguity.

kepa911 likes this
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