New Category? Ult%
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Hello everyone!

One day while I queued up for Competitive, I wondered how long it would take in the practice range to use every hero's ultimate. The bar would have to reset down to 0%, echo ults wouldn't count, and it would be a heck of a lot of fun, and partially thrilling. So, I did a run of it.

Here is the run: (sorry about the chat, my friends were being a little bit weird)

Anyways, as I was saying, the goal is to use every ultimate in the game and using other heroes ults as echo will not count. Timing starts when D.Va is clicked and ends when Zenyatta uses Transcendence. A new practice range game must be shown to start, as Tracer needs to be the enemy hero in the right of the spawn room, but you can change that hero (recommended to Hammond) after you start. After that, it's smooth sailing.

One last thing, timing and rules can be changed to whatever people think is better, but my splits looked like this:

D.VA 0:25 Orisa 0:42 Reinhardt 1:00 Roadhog 1:24 Sigma 1:46 Winston 2:01 WreckingBall 2:25 Zarya 2:56 Ashe 3:16 Bastion 3:32 Doomfist 3:54 Echo 4:40 Genji - - Hanzo 5:02 Junkrat 5:25 McCree 5:48 Mei 6:11 Pharah 6:35 Reaper 6:59 Soldier 7:23 Sombra 7:42 Symmetra 8:02 Torbjorn 8:30 Tracer 8:48 Widowmaker 9:10 Ana 9:44 Baptiste 10:09 Brigitte 10:35 Lucio 11:10 Mercy 11:38 Moira 12:32 Zen 12:55 ••• Previous segment 23.6 Sum of Bests - 12:55.658

Thank you all so much and I hope that I can start my own category, and if you have a few minutes to spare, try this out, it can get surprisingly fun and addicting!

  • Chilly

interesting idea, I will discuss this with the staff and see what they have to say about this. we will keep you updated.

Lezt likes this

If this does go trough, maybe also add this to the induvidual heros category


we already had someone with an idea like that, an individual hero category would be monotonous but we are still discussing the main idea.

California, USA

Hey, we have lots of other categories that were added that ended up not getting much attention, and we'd like to keep that from happening. So for now, we decided to not add this category. If there is a huge amount of interest, we might reconsider.

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