Leaderboards moderation requests thread
9 years ago

LEGOCity Undercover doesn't have any active mods at the moment. We need to change the structure of IL's and there is a new WR that needs to be verified.

May I request to be added as mod for www.speedrun.com/lcu



YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Georgia, USA

@Trajan moderator Phionex is active If you want to change the structure of something on the leaderboard, your best bet is to ask through the games forums. Edit: Moderator JosephHTobinJr is very active 2nd Edit: Seeing that a moderator supposedly recently left, and you’ve been very active in the community, you might have a chance of getting mod if you wait for a response on your post. Just remember 21 days is considered inactive.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Texas, USA


Hello, I tried to submit these runs (3) and tried to contact the only Mod for this game on Twitter and received no response. I realize that this game isn't super popular, but I love it very much and would like to give it some love. I appreciate your help.

Regards, FlavourSavior


Maybe forums aren't exactly the best play to contact right now due to notification problems if you wait a long while I suggest messaging the mods on other social media :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 and Bogdan_mk like this

Hello there, I don't know if this falls under this category, I think the first line included it but I'll message to be sure. We've had a moderator just sort of leave our community and not turn up and I was wondering if it was possible to have them removed from the boards. Sadly I can't do it as they are also a Super Mod but yeah, the links are here for the games: https://www.speedrun.com/srb2 https://www.speedrun.com/srb2tei https://www.speedrun.com/srb2tmr https://www.speedrun.com/srb2tp The moderator named "blazethecat" Thanks for all your help and assistance. I've tried messaging this person and have given it a lot of time but they've simply not gotten back to me unfortunately.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Utrecht, Netherlands
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Hello, i want to be a mod on project pokemon but the mods are inactive. I did message both moderater's but no one did message me back so can you please make me a mod so i can change a few things and can submit runs.

So if you want to do that i would like that. -Cas

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this


How did you message them?

I think you are mischaracterizing them as inactive. They have several contact links each, and both have been online very recently.

United States

@Liv Just an FYI, you missed @PullMatrox 's post.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 and PulMatrox like this

HI i would like to Mod For Inindo: way of the ninja. I am the only person currently running attempts that i know of. I hold the WR at the moment. i want to try and build a small community for this game with my close friends.


YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

request to remove GoldenBoy from https://www.speedrun.com/Jimmy_Neutron_Attack_of_The_Twonkies reason: 3 months inactivity

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States

@Deln I went ahead and removed him per he was inactive since October.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States


To add some context to the question about Double Dragon 4.

The supposed vote that was conducted by Nightmarejames is claimed to have occurred in a group that nobody can confirm even exists. It does not exist on speedrun.com, it does not exist on Steam, I couldn't find it on Discord and there are only 2 Google hits for "Brawler's Network" - 1 of them being Nightmarejames post and the other being entirely irrelevant. Who was supposedly polled? Nobody with times currently posted have been active in submitting more runs, and Nightmarejames is shutting down discussion from people interested in running the game. I suspect that the reason why there were not enough votes is because there was no actual poll, or, it was a posted somewhere where nobody would participate and no current or prospective runners would have access.

The Double Dragon Discord where we actively engage in discussions about speedruns of the Double Dragon series may be small, but has 4 times as many participants than there are people who have EVER submitted Double Dragon IV runs on speedrun.com. When someone shared the link to the Discord in the Double Dragon IV forum, it was quickly deleted by a moderator, presumably Nightmarejames.

He says "we have been running well" but there have been no new entries in 8 months and multiple people who WANT to speedrun the game but are hesitant due to the category disagreement.

There are other members of the Double Dragon community who are interested in speedrunning the game as well as trusted moderators of the series who would be happy to step in as moderators for Double Dragon IV if needed. Please consider helping so we won't have to start our own leaderboard platform elsewhere for just this one game, when we'd rather have the whole series unified here on speedrun.com

[Edit] I made some changes to my word choices to fix my tone and deleted 2 paragraphs that had nothing to do with the original issue.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 and LRock617 like this

I have submitted a Soldier of Fortune: Payback speedrun like 5 days ago and no responses yet, anyone help?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@chargerbandit : Try to contact the mods through their social networks. 5 days is nothing.

YUMmy_Bacon5, 6oliath and 2 others like this

@Liv Sounds good thanks for looking into it for me!

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States

Could I be a mod for Microsoft Minesweeper (Windows 8 ) ? I have pending runs on there and the only moderator on there hasn't been online for 3 months.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Iowa, USA

Could I become the moderator for "Stunt Dirt Bike"? The current mod has been inactive on speedrun.com for a year now and I couldn't find any ways to contact him.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
New Zealand

In the game https://www.speedrun.com/mnr I have submitted the only run to the main category and the mod is inactive and hasn't accepted it / on the forums I've asked a question and they haven't gotten back so could I have mod on the game?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Georgia, USA

@Trafficpossum You have to set up a contact method

Wyoming, USA

Hello, I'm looking to become a mod for Dynasty Warriors 4, the current and only mod for this game hasn't been active in several months, and has not responded to any posts in the forum for it. If not, I can accept that, however, I do check the boards almost every day (it's my homepage on chrome) and I know the game fairly well.

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