Pure Speedrun
7 years ago
New York, USA

Has anyone done a speed run without glitches and with the Catwoman DLC? does it count for anything?

United States

That would be glitchless, and while runs have been done before, no one really runs it because glitches and skipping catwoman dlc are both very good things.

Virginia, USA

I'd love to see a glitch less category

Ontario, Canada

My bud and I just finished asylum easy all glitches, city normal glitch less (no oob) city pro with same file no oob, then asylum hard no glitches like bell or doc skip. A little under 8 total hours lol. Finished 28 seconds apart....

Ontario, Canada

Personally for us, spending like 40% of the time flying around trying to remember which grey block I needed to turn left at is not fun. We race side by side and the preds and fights are were errors and drunken deaths occur. The OoB is techniques that, if done right, are nearly impossible to die on.

New York, USA

So question, can a category for New Game + any% Glitchless & No OOB & New Game + 100% Glitchless & OOB be add?

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Autosplitter Update

Due to oversights on my part, there were two points where the autosplitter was supposed to split, but wouldn't:

  • After performing Church Skip (Bell Tower Skip was fine)
  • In Glitchless w/Cat after the processing center fight

These have both been corrected, apologies for the inconvenience. Plea

1 year ago
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