The Games & Users Update - Feedback & Bugs thread
2 years ago

Obsoleted runs in Recent Runs should have the hyphen:

Gaming_64, Ivory and 4 others like this
New South Wales, Australia

I added a mod to my game but they wont show up?

Gaming_64 likes this

I'm sure some people like the idea of comments on runs, but adding a feature like that without any options to disable or even properly remove comments seems incredibly short sighted, as said before most runs are uploaded on youtube and already have their comment sections there, and we all know how much of a mess youtube comments are already, and with no effective moderation src comments would surely end up even worse.

Some of the other stuff is nice, I'm personally a fan of all the random statistics, I find it quite interesting, but again with no options to show/hide any of this stuff it can come across very stalkerish to a lot of people.

I think the main gripe here is that we want a little customization, you can't please everyone with a single solution, so allow us to toggle different settings around to how we personally like it.

Gaming_64, Supra and 9 others like this

For the news section: I'd like to get Polls as a feature! So that we can put out a statement asking for people's opinions and see what the response is. Would also like to be able to limit the responses to be from people that have actually submitted a run to the board (to prevent spamming from non-runners).

Gaming_64, Ivory and 6 others like this

Speaking of the news section, how useful a feature is this actually? I imagine most games have a Discord by now for such things. Having said that, I'm not against it, was just wondering why SRC is trying to become a social media platform rather than a database

Gaming_64 and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

@Pentaghast The news feature was actually asked for, as part of tools for moderators.

This is a great place to notify runners if anything special happened on the leaderboard - new categories, category changes, rule changes, etc. Previously, the way to do that was on a sticky thread in the game forum.

As for discord - not all (or even most) games have discord servers; and even if they do, runners don't have to join there.

Gaming_64, Ivory and 3 others like this

@Oreo321 that's fair, didn't think of it being used for that sort of stuff - from a moderation POV that's actually quite useful then

Gaming_64 likes this

Can you remove the privacy invading details on my profile already? It's none of anyone's business to see what games I follow, nor how often I do any moderation, besides other moderators of games I moderate.

Gaming_64, Ivory and 4 others like this
North Korea

"the games and users update" and yet you guys still haven't fixed broken profiles like mine. i legitimately don't know if you guys are trolling at this point or if you're being serious because this is too absurd to be real.

grnts and Gaming_64 like this

honestly it seems like people are getting url variable names on purpose and then "rage" when those names break stuff, src should have a non overlaping link system without shortenings but honestly @user is probably an alt anyways.

Gaming_64 likes this

I think that comments section on runs could produce toxicity in the speedrun community, I guess that youtube comments are enough.

Also, I think that forum post likes and dates are not relevant, think that should not be shown in the front page.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64 likes this
North Korea

[quote] but honestly @user is probably an alt anyways. [/quote] just bcs i don't speedrun doesn't mean i should have a broken account and it doesn't mean that i'm an alt. not everyone on this site actually speedrun, there are people who make an account to talk with others on the forums as well. i find it to be a nice place to talk to people about speedruns, even though i don't speedrun myself because i don't have the time to do it, and the 1 run i have was done solely to prevent my account from being deleted by someone else. moreover, even if i was an alt, ghosting my requests and my thread about the situation of certain accounts will only delay this broken feature, which shouldn't be preferred over fixing it.

grnts and Gaming_64 like this

@survivalMichi The whole bunch of new accounts with URL variable names, only started in the last month. @user is here for 9 months, so you can't blame him for trying to break the site.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64, Ivory and 3 others like this
United States

Thanks for removing the followed games stuff on the side.


The good:

  • News posts
  • Recently added runs is neat

The bad:

  • Font size. There is so much wasted space. Why should it be this small? Also, is it not kinda obvious during design that this would hurt the readability of basically everything on the leaderboard?
  • Why did the moderation tab move to the bottom, now below an ad, while this is too important to have tucked away like this? At least push it above the statistics.
  • The font. It feels.. messy.. it could be a little more clear. Especially on the category tabs it feels like the font is capitalized for no real reason.
  • In general, the way these new elements are structured also feels messy. A pretty neat element "Recently added runs" is hidden and tucked away below a massive ad.
  • I personally feel "Recent threads" isn't notable enough to be put on the front page, as a lot of threads are typically replacements for what would now be news posts, or in general just has users asking questions about things and I'd consider it a separate element from the actual 'leaderboard' so combining it feels unnecessary.
  • Having rank 'icons' for the top 4 recent runs instead of people's actual rank in that list feels out of place since you first have to connect what icon is actually what rank, as to where looking on the leaderboard itself it makes sense since the top 4 icons are ordered that way.

In general, to me, a lot of this feels like: "Who thought this was a good idea to change?". I feel like really needs to start thinking about how changes like these are immediately pushed live without some sort of beta testing beforehand (at least I haven't seen any beta testing on this design anywhere) and at minimum have beta testers flesh out rather 'obvious' mistakes like the font size before pushing this live to all users. It would also in turn save you costs in the long run, save Meta effort of writing down 12 pages of feedback and lets be honest, a company of this size like easily has the budget to run a beta program for huge design changes like these.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64, Ivory and 11 others like this

@Bob-chicken it's still there for me. Where don't you see it ?

Gaming_64 and MrMonsh like this
United States

Oh, never mind it just didn’t load.

I never said that it shouldnt be fixed. but fixing flags is more important because more users are affected.

Gaming_64 likes this
North Korea

[quote] I never said that it shouldnt be fixed. but fixing flags is more important because more users are affected. [/quote] what you're forgetting is that i made a support hub ticket for this and a thread 3 months ago, not yesterday or a week ago or a month ago, and it still hasn't gotten fixed after even @Camcorder responded to it saying that it shouldn't take long. i never said my account issues should be prioritized over the fixes and the major updates they're putting out but it's literally been 3 months after i've been promised by actual staff that it should get fixed relatively soon. i highly doubt they don't have a single day of free time where they don't work on making any new updates and stuff in which they could solve this issue and end this drama, this is way beyond ridiculous at this point.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
grnts and Gaming_64 like this

good for adding breadcrumbs on the top of the threads and forums back :thumbs_up:

Gaming_64 and MrMonsh like this