New Category?
7 years ago
Georgia, USA

Hi glitchless runs are Satan's way of steering you from God's intended any% run so please stop being a heathen and find the light okay


am i in kindergarden here? the deus ex community decided nothing. MrDrTChops decided something behind everyones back in their private teamspeak round. while licking each other's dick. thats not the deus ex community but some big heads that think they are the elected government and can decide everything.

also about any%: there are no collectibles in deus ex story mode once you have collected them, so it makes no sense to get any% of collectibles that aren't there. the name any%, it makes no sense! we, the deus ex community have all agreed that this has to be changed!

and please also mention, that glitchless has a lot of glitches in it!

if you DON'T mention all of this, then you are an asshole.

if you want more, i can give you more....

have a nice day

Sasky and Phillotrax like this

Life has many unexpected turns as twists, doesn't it? Certainly didn't expect all of this! Anyway, it's all a storm in a teacup. DrTChops was kind enough to create the category despite his reservations, and if no-one else is interested in running glitchless for DE:MD, then there really is no need or point to keep it. My plan was just to get in there first before members of the PC master race came along, anyway.

@Floubz: As much as it gladdens my heart to encounter rare individuals willing to stand their ground and take the on the rest of the world "gangsta style" (and believe me, it does), it's probably better to save that time and energy for real life!

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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