All Tokens??
6 years ago
United Kingdom

How about a category for collecting All of the tokens. I think this would be interesting as it isn't ending specific and could be routed differently to get different endings depending on what one is fastest.

Vienna, Austria

These could be the rules:

"The all tokens run will start when you hit "NEW" on the main screen. Collect all tokens and end the game in any way you wish."


no reason to state timing rools when all of our timing rules are the same. "Collect all seven tokens and end the game." is more than enough

Uusimaa, Finland

"And end the game" is hardly disambiguous enough.

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Changes and a new category in PP speedruns

User with nickname WindexTheGr8. Suggested an idea on a speedrunning forum using graphics tablets. One of the moderators thought that this is a good idea in principle, but it gives an advantage over other players, so we decided to make a separate category for all this. It will be called GT (Graphics

1 year ago
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