possible rule change
4 years ago

i was thinking that maybe we should require videos for mayhem and training mode runs or at least for runs above 15000+ meters

should we 1 - require videos for 20000+ meter mayhem/training runs 2 - require videos for 15000+ meter mayhem/training runs 3 - require videos for all mayhem/training runs 4 - or something else tell me what you think bellow

Otterstone_Gamer likes this
Minnesota, USA

I believe video sound be required for all runs so 3

MinecraftGaming likes this

ok, but i lose 7605 coop score(

i think all runs should require a video so i vote 3

@lolkalol22 what are you voting for?

We have 2 votes option 3 1 vote option 2 So it looks like option 3 is the winner I will start rejecting all the mayhem/training mode runs that only have an image tomorrow Tell me if you want me to reject all the classic/co-op mode images to bellow

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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2 months ago