New Category idea: Monkey island tall tales
1 year ago

Beating the monkey island tall tale as fast as possible. -starts with voting for the tall tale -ending with the "tall tale completed" sign

Monke island is a great tall tale to speedrun because there are many ways to short the run.

I already submitted one, hopefully they add it soon

mrchillington likes this

i got 32:53.90 as a solo so i think thats pretty good

mrchillington likes this
United States

I also have a run to submit solo :D

United Kingdom

I have a 26:59 Solo run to submit so hopefully they will add it.

mrchillington likes this
United States

Oh do you have it uploaded anywhere yet?

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States
Deleted by the author
United States

Dang so I'm a few minutes off (30:48), good to know that other than not forgetting to talk to the chef I can still get faster :D

United Kingdom

I also have a solo run of 31:01.69 made a few small mistakes so im sure i could get it under 30mins. Tail is dialog heavy!!

Edited by the author 1 year ago
mrchillington likes this
United Kingdom

@SeaofConcepts How the hell did you get it at 26mins! Its such dialog heavy that you waste about 10 minutes just waiting around

United States

Maybe the optimized the routing and didn't mess up anything.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

My internet is so slow that it took like 15 hours to upload a 1gb file :( but here it is.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

BTW in case someone doesn't know, each section where you have boxes that can spawn a bag will only spawn one bag and 1 coin, the one coin will always be in the same spot (example: each of the 3 docks will spawn 1 bag and one coin, so if you find the bag for that dock there is no need to search the other 2 spawn locations), there are boxes the bag can spawn in on each side of the scumm bar, 2 where the pully puzzel is, the one in fornt of the church and the one in the prison are connected so if you find it outside dont bother searching the prison, church has 1 bag and 4 coins (2 coins on the pews and 2 in the plate) the alley has 2 spawns for a bag.

United Kingdom

Here’s mine. Few mistakes so should be able to go a bit quicker

26mins is stupid fast. Must be some black screen spots somewhere.

mrchillington likes this
United States

To be fair the 26min solo run is on youtube and has some pretty good ideas

YorkshireMike likes this
United Kingdom

Cool, some interesting ideas. Given me some ideas for sure.

mrchillington likes this