I need my times moved to another chart. Do I make a thread?
7 years ago
Rhode Island, USA

Haha, idk where to submit this, so I'm making a thread.

I'd like my "Skips" runs all into the "No Skips" category, please.

Better yet, I'd like them in BOTH skips and no skips leaderboard if possible, but if not, w/e.

I even noted in the description of my runs that these didn't use glitches, but they weren't moved once the glitchless charts were added.

Oh, and Star Cup only DOES use glitch.

Anyway here're the runs.


United States

Can't you edit the runs yourself? That's the way I did it.

Texas, USA

You can edit runs yourself, they'd just need to be reverified.


iirc you couldnt use the same run for two separate categories but i might be wrong on that

Rhode Island, USA

^I'd like to know if that's true or not first before I menualyl do it.

Also, idk why a mod won't just move it for me. It's not really me being lazy, since they'd have to reverify anyway

Rhode Island, USA


Can someone please move them?

Know what, nevermind. Instead of a mod moving them in 5 sec, I just spent 15 minutes resubmitting them all. These are done with no skips, items on. I want them where they should be.

Edited by the author 6 years ago