Welcome to the new Speedrun - Feedback Thread
10 months ago
Iowa, USA

Banned users can also follow other users. I’ve heard they might be able to do other things too.

CyanWes, cheg, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

Now I got this Twitch feature when I am streaming and it is shown when I am offline. Besides, I got also the main config for Feature Run. These two features show up randomly when I check runs in my profile. Is there a possibilty to maintain both features, or just probably 1 feature is gonna be visible? That's my doubt...

CyanWes and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Kent, England

I've just now noticed there's no option to add a link to the splits for the run via splits.io anymore? This feature was really useful, can this be implemented back?

I don't think it's a bug, as the field to enter the splits.io link is missing from the run submission page. Might be a developer oversight perhaps?

CyanWes likes this

Runners from China upload their runs to bilibili.com. I think it was the recent site update that broke the links. The embed videos no longer work. I can edit the run, copy the direct link and the video plays correctly. The embed video inside speedrun.com doesn't play.


and when you wana return to the previous version?

CyanWes likes this

We actually thought the embeds on bilibili not working were copyright or URL issues but seems we weren't the only ones.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

Listing update issues I haven't heard people talk a lot about :

  • When you are viewing a full-run section of a leaderboard, everytime you click on the sub-categories, you're teleported to the top of the page. This isn't the case when clicking on categories. This one I can see being very annoying in general, it might be good to fix it soon.

  • Graphs have lost the ability to show multiple timelines at the same time. A bit of a shame, but probably wasn't a bug more than it was a conscious decision. However, you still don't have the ability to zoom into the graph. When you have dozens of dots (triangles now) very close to one another, you can't really decipher anything. Though I guess the history tab solves this to some extent.

  • When I was linking videos in posts I wrote, I would surround them with < > to force them to not show the video (when it wasn't necessary or redundant) while the page itself was still accessible via a simple click. But now, this doesn't work anymore, and all the places I've written to now displays all of the videos I have ever linked. The videos also take a huge amount of screen space, and slow down the page when scrolled upon. I don't see myself going over all of my posts and fixing that stuff, given I don't even know how to not have the video show up with this new writing format. I guess that also means I don't know what to do moving forward.

  • When browsing the audio log page (for super moderators only), it does not appear possible anymore to filter entries through more than one parameter. I found that a slight waste.

  • (New one) the per-game settings about allowing runners to submit resources and guides whether you have a run or not... are locked off even for super moderators ? It's all grayed out. How are we supposed to use it then ?

Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes, cheg, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

What was the point of removing recent runs from the leaderboard page? The space isn't even being used for something else. It makes no sense.

Grapevine, Pantoufle and 7 others like this

I really like the update, fixes a lot of issues I've had with the site in the past, but here's some things i noticed:

  • Game names get cut off, depending on the screen size. It's probably okay on a 4k screen, but on my 1440p screen, longer names get cut off. Even worse on 1080p screens.

  • I don't really see the point of adding the time of the run you see on your profile. It only says 12:00, 13:00 and 14:00 anyway (depending on your timezone). Even if it did say the time of when the run was submitted, it would still look really cluttered. I would just remove this.

  • For whatever reason, the homepage and user profile still use an old picture of the game, even tho a new one was uploaded. Followed Games shows the updated picture.

  • Cover resolution in the settings of a game says 320x124, even tho it's 142x199.

  • Also on the homepage, why does it show a * behind every single time? Wasn't that used to indicate IGT?

Some other things from the thread I agree with:

  • Bring back the recent runs list on the leaderboards. Was a nice overview and there was no reason to remove it.
  • The WR graph was a huge overhaul and is actually readable now. But it would be nice if you could zoom in.
  • Bring back splits.io integration? It still shows splits on older submitted runs, but there's no field to enter a splits.io link when submitting a new run.
  • Bring back some more user stats in the top right corner on a profile.
Edited by the author 10 months ago
Ivory, Camcorder and 3 others like this
He/Him, They/Them
10 months ago

Here's a little thing I noticed: some threads have more pages than they actually have, and clicking on it results in an application error. One thread in the forum can be shown to have two pages and actually have one in the actual thread. Also, another thing that's been driving me insane is that backspace when posting a comment does backspace AND delete. It's annoying when I've made a typo and try to correct it just to get half my word deleted by trying to fix it. Not sure if it also happens on desktop, but it's happening for me on mobile.

, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

UI improvement suggestion for levels with many ties: Show only the earliest 5 and hide the rest behind a "and x more players" that un-hides the rest when clicked on.

Ivory, CyanWes and 3 others like this
Somerset, England
Deleted by the author
United States

Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. We're reading everything (and will likely address all of the important stuff soon)!

Here's another partial list of updates in the last 24 hours:

  • Comments: layout and functionality improvements
  • Comments: improvements to commenting permissions
  • Forums: layout improvements
  • Forums: new thread gets a dedicated page (RIP modal)
  • Forums: properly restrict access to Supporter forums
  • Forums: minor visual regression fixes
  • Forums: mentions are back!
  • Forums: comment "N others liked" hover tooltip is back!
  • Games: leaderboards now show the correct timers
  • Games: leaderboards now properly updated when submitting a run with autoverify
  • Games: millisecond precision should be visible (please let us know if you find more)
  • Games: updated "Game Stats" widget in sidebar
  • General: layout tweaks
  • General: improve URL validation for user-supplied external links
  • General: loading bar improvements
  • General: OpenGraph improvements
  • Guides: properly forward legacy guide urls
  • Home: improve latest runs view
  • Messages: allow users to leave conversations
  • Modhub: fix broken verify link on mobile, improve UI feedback after actions
  • Resources: properly forward legacy guide urls
  • Runs: added moderation actions (verify/reject/revert) to ellipsis menu on run page (permissions allowing)
  • Runs: fix times sometimes being off by 1ms when editing a run time
  • Runs: fix runs sometimes requiring value for archived variables
  • Runs: fix unintentional asterisks on run times
  • Runs: Splits.io URL field now available when submitting or editing runs
  • Series: series mods can now create new games in the series
  • Series: improvements to series moderator permissions
  • User: user deletion now works as expected
  • User: improve runs view
  • User: improve social buttons and social account management
  • User: properly maintain online status

Plus lots of other various improvements that didn't make the list.

Thanks @Daravae for maintaining your list, it's been very helpful!

Edited by the author 10 months ago
Act_, gfmidway and 4 others like this
United States

@Aiivan, that happens when CSS fails to load during a new site deployment. I know it's weird, sorry - we'll work to fix it.

CyanWes and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Somerset, England

@Camcorder, I think that @ ing users is not available on run descriptions, on my Comments page, and in rub comments.

Example run (also view the run's comment): https://www.speedrun.com/granny_4/runs/y86w3pnm

Also, users like @O.D.W. are still not @ able.

And please can the "@" not be coloured with the user's name?

Edited by the author 10 months ago
CyanWes likes this