Baron Nashor Season 11 Rank 1 uses confirmed gamebreaking bug
3 years ago

Dear mod team, the 20m00s Baron Nashor run by the submitter Piols was only possible due to a (now removed) bug with the jungle item. You can see in the video at min 7:10 the jungleitem and summonerspell smite transforming while the champion dies. This triggers an uintended interaction allowing the champion to deal infinite damage to junglemonsters from this point onwards. This is a confirmed bug by the gamedeveloper and got hotfixed (patch 10.24) soon after being descovered. While the run doesn't go against the official rules of this site (atleast to my knowlage) I still think it goes against the spirit of speedrunning given that 20:00-"runs" of this kind were even done in rankedgames.


"While the run doesn't go against the official rules of this site"

Speedrunning spirit is finishing an objective as fast as possible, glitches are a part of it, the tutorials uses a glitch too so why allow a category glitches and an other no? 20:00 Baron runs are possible as seen in the last season.


So as such, the run is valid and won't be removed.


PS : He did it again, this season, so it's still possible to have it without the glitch, please next time do your research


Yeah MadKick, I get your sentiment that the run is not illegitimate by the rules, but feels "illegitimate". LoL is weird in a sense as a speedrun game because it can't be downpatched and it's patched very often so there is no way we'd separate categories by patch. It will happen again and again that there will be things that won't be achievable anymore due to patches (this situation is an extreme extent of it though). I think the worst thing about this aspect is that there is potential to just destroy competition by achieving results that would be no longer possible later. The thing is, I knew that achieving a 20:00 baron was possible without the glitch (and it was achieved by Derp yesterday, go watch his run it's insane), so it wouldn't ruin the competition. The same wouldn't be true for example with Herald. I could've killed herald 8 minutes flat with the same bug, but I knew it would be unachievable otherwise and decided against it. Though if anyone ever achieves something that wouldn't be possible later, which will eventually happen, they shouldn't be a target of any harassment, this is just the weird nature of this speedgame. Hope this gives you a little more insight on the whole situation.

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