Co-op Runs/Leaderboards
2 years ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I'm planning on running this game with some solo runs, but also doing some co-op runs with my cousin and some time 3 player co op. I'm wondering how co-op runs will be handled on the leaderboards. I tried looking at the D2 original leaderboards to see how it is handled there, but it confused me a bit to be honest.


I don't really think the original leaderboard had a place for this, but I would assume that maybe we could consider this for a category extension thing in the future? Since things are still fresh here and we're figuring things out that could be some weeks/months away though.


Totally forgot about co-op. It's a good thing you mentioned this. Would have been much more difficult to make the category adjustments later.

To make co-op and other categories possible on I had to change the layout a bit. I made the mistake of not thinking of other categories through initially and only had the usual solo Baal kill categories in mind. I fixed my mistake.

I currently added 8man, 3man and duo categories into co-op. When submitting runs into categories with less than 8 players then the intended method is to just leave those players empty and select a category with the correct player amount.


Our load time removal tool also works in mutliplayer. Does it make sense in any way to use it in co-op runs as well? How would final "time without loads" look like if there are multiple runners? Is this something other games have a solution for already or are co-op runs always real time?

I guess one solutions is to add together all the runners time without loads and calculate an average. If it's needed at all...


For me co-op is real time only, as the most competitve. My subjective opinion an average no loading time does not carry informational content.

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Tool is used to track Diblo II: Resurrected loading states with LiveSplit and LiveSplit Server Component. It captures D2R client and tracks loading screens. client also gives the ability to share your character data after setting up the API key. If you have [ armory](https://

1 year ago
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