How long does it take to review a run?
4 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Question in the title

Gerbungis and IcySkid like this
California, USA

Due to the influx of runs and “laziness” (as stated by Moderator Hydro) of the mods, it could take up to a month or more.

Luweegee, Ivory and 2 others like this
United States

I’ll start verifying runs today or tomorrow.

Tolozen and Gerbungis like this
Massachusetts, USA

bruh just mod some competent people

Maryland, USA

dude delete the post, mods will get pissy Kappa

IcySkid likes this
Maryland, USA

bruh, when you give the mods the idea of adding another mod, and you get banned the day before just so that he gets modded, and still is as lazy as the current ones

Edited by the author 4 years ago
IcySkid and Lunarrr like this
North Carolina, USA

im going on 3 months now

Jz, IcySkid, and Gerbungis like this
New Zealand

the only mods I’ve seen verifying any runs other than their own are relieved and a bit of hydrooo. it’s heccing stupid that zooms and speedrunningiscool can verify their own runs and sit back and relax while there are countless runs that have been unverified for up to three months.

Jz, Gerbungis and 2 others like this
Maryland, USA

They have their own buddy group, the only people that are actually good in the game are in the buddy group, they only accept each others runs and verify their runs cause they "trust them"

IcySkid likes this
Massachusetts, USA

It would help if all the mods werent in a little buddy group busy all day. They could actually make use of that and each verify a run while they are all jerking each other off

Breakthrough and Gerbungis like this
Maryland, USA

dude they have lives, they have stream schedule lmao... Just stream yourself verifying runs 4Head

IcySkid likes this
Massachusetts, USA

when you make so much money from streaming for 1 hour you really dont have any time to verify a single run 😔

Maryland, USA

It only takes 5 minutes

IcySkid likes this
Massachusetts, USA

thats 5 minutes too many apparently

Gerbungis likes this
California, USA

They need to start verifying runs. Technically if they wait too long for runs to be verified, and they only verify their own, they can get reported to and demoted from moderating this game.

Jz, Breakthrough and 2 others like this
California, USA


Jz, Breakthrough and 2 others like this
Massachusetts, USA

I honestly think that there should be an entire new team of mods if they are this incompetent

Gerbungis likes this
New Zealand

if we have to tell the mods ourselves to get off their asses and verify runs, we already know they’re incompetent, and if even after we complain there’s still countless runs waiting to be verified, we know we have a problem. by the way why is overworldYT still mod? he doesn’t really do anything.

Gerbungis likes this

FilipeTales should be a mod

zir0nic, Ivory, and Gerbungis like this
Maryland, USA

first of all, overworld moderates the roblox series, he really doesnt do much other than add games requested by people, to me he just streams with his buddy group, (hydro,ivory,404speedrunningiscool, and others)

hydro/ette is incoherent, and tries to stream just to procrastinate

zooms' streams sometimes, and his only excuse is that he has to do a lot of work

ivory literally streams sometimes to play minecraft and procrastinate, he only really verifies runs that his friends made if you really want your run to be verified, you gotta bug the mods in the server to verify your run

relivedliberty also procrastinates, and says he'll verify runs, he also uses mac, which sprt (slush0puppy retime tool) is not compatible to, so your times can't be 100% reliable unless you know what you're doing

404speedrunningiscool is (unbiased) incompetent, and like the others will have to procrastinate, stream with friends and do nothing, this is all the experience i actually had being in the server.

in all honesty, i was trying to help the server out, as weirdly as it seemed, i tried and all I was given was a "you're toxic, haha lmao kid bash your router, thats why you're banned on roblox speedrun4 discord." or something of that sort, i get that i wasn't the "nicest" in the server, but at most i was not being at all any form biased while being in the server, i didn't care about others, mostly because i didn't know them as well as the others did, i tried being involved, it just didn't work as well as i planned it to be.

Note: I was banned because me and @IcySkid asked overworld to play sm64 hacks.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Ivory and zir0nic like this
Game stats
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new game update 10/22/22

game update!!! load times are gone. yippee!! so a lot of runs will get faster and stuff

also, the in game time setting will (probably) be removed from the time settings thing because we dont use it and its a huge inconvenience for mods happy update !

1 year ago