Giant Bomb/Twitch sync?
9 years ago
Oregon, USA

Hey y'all,

So I added a game on GB weeks ago for the purposes of it syncing to twitch and letting me actually list the game when I play it. I know the sync is supposed to update every day but the game still hasn't been added on twitch despite the wiki page being approved. After a week I went through and added a little more data, including a release, but still no luck. Neither @TwitchSupport, their email account for support, nor @GiantBomb have responded to me asking about this issue. Anyone have prior experience similar to this and an idea what to do?

He/Him, It/Its
9 years ago

I made Box Arts for Twitch a week (or two ?) ago, submitted them with

Nothing has been done since. I tried contacting the Support via twitter twice, nothing at all. I contacted the support before, they are the ones who gave me that link for box art submissions, but they took days so i don't plan on recontacting them like that, they don't seem to care.

But yeah, the game will eventually get added to the game list at some point, if not, try contacting the support i guess (◜◡‾)