Fast Wall Climb
6 years ago
Hiroshima, Japan

Here are some neat ways to climb walls faster that I figured out.

First is throwing knife. If while climbing a wall you use a throwing knife, the animation will reset your wall climb and allow you to keep running on the same face wall. This tech works over infinite distance as long as there is a wall to climb.

If you have 2 throwing knives you can climb even faster. This is probably because throwing knife has an animation that suspends you in mid air, which maybe counts as having been on the floor (which is a prerequisite for wall climbing). Since 2 knives interrupt each others animations and have the same effect on wall climbing, you end up getting a slight speed boost.

This trick works with other weapons too like fire brand, or even infantry bow. Generally if the weapon can suspend you in mid air it can reset your wall climb. But its effectiveness seems to differ with different items. For example infantry bow may reset your wall climb once or twice, but you begin to lose speed. Or fire brands has an animation that's too slow so you can only really achieve one boost.

Next up there is item boost (as I like to call it). It is exactly the same thing, but instead you use one of your deployed skills to climb up faster. This one I have no explanation as to why it works. Item use has no animation and can sometimes happen in the middle of some other animation, this might have something to do with it.

Lets say we have 2 ice grenades, you can use one to boost up, and then a second one to continue the boost up the wall. For a short distance this is effective, but not over really high walls.

Item boosting has a strange leg up in that it gives you an even faster speed boost up walls as long as you are not near the end of the initial wall climbing animation. It is possible to use an ice bomb and then 2 throwing knives to maintain the speed and eventually zoom out of camera while climbing an elevator shaft, and if your timing is good you can even beat the elevator to the top.

Lastly there is the No Ammo Boost.

If you attempt to use a ranged weapon with no ammo while climbing a wall, you will zip up incredibly fast. The boomerang is a good weapon to play with as currently (as of this post) Alpha has it at 1 ammo. If you are not doing Alpha right now, try using the Hokuto bow, it has 2 ammo. Its actually quite comical how fast you go up with no ammo and the speed isn't something you can compare with elevator speed as its too fast.

Currently for speed running there doesn't seem to be a large demand for these tricks. At best I spam an ice grenade to climb over a slightly high wall when I am in a hurry, and the speed boost for the tiny distance is a big deal then, but in the long run having a throwing knife instead of a shield just to climb up faster doesn't seem to warrant much of a merit.

I hope some of this helps someone, and maybe leads to the discovery of some other fast method. Thanks for reading!

leftfornova likes this

The phaser is really effective as well ! Since the cooldown is 0s if you use it when you don't face any ennemy, you can use it pretty much everytime to wallclimb (there are no ennemies in the walls so no tp). I didn't test if it can lead to infinite climb, but i think so.

Henpaku likes this
Hiroshima, Japan

Sweetness, I shall do some testing then~!

Hiroshima, Japan

Have now done some testing.

Phaser works for infinite wall climb, but its really slow. You can get more speed out of throwing knife or item boosting.

But it works.

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