does every speedrunner stream there runs
7 years ago

i feel like if u dont stream ur runs your that one weird guy in the back of the class who nobody talks to. am i the only one who thinks that?

IcKY likes this

Some people don't have the internet to stream runs, I wouldn't see why that'd be much of a problem if they do or don't as long as it's recorded for legitimacy

Granolant likes this
Texas, USA

For me, it's a personal thing. I do these runs for me, not for people who might be watching. It doesn't mean that I won't talk about them (I usually love to), but I don't really like people to be a part of the run itself.

It doesn't mean we don't talk; we just talk in different ways.

Oklahoma, USA

Nah most of my runs aren't streamed! :)

New York, USA

Offline runs, runs that aren't streamed but still recorded, are a thing and I do those a lot.

Richmond, VA, USA

More than half of my PB's were recorded off stream during practice.

Minnesota, USA

I don't stream my runs because I don't have the internet to do so at the moment.

alkaline_ice likes this
California, USA

Most (if not all) of my runs are locally recorded.

North Brabant, Netherlands

I livestream all my runs. Makes it a lot easier for me not having to upload the video.


I wanted to stream but Italian connections are the worst :( I have to wait until i move up to Milan.


i dont stream any run and i dont plan to streaming aint for everybody. some people dont wanna do speedrun while trying to read a chat or setup all that to a dead stream anyway lol